Chapter Ten

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She woke to the restlessness of her wolf. 

It was just before the break of dawn, soft pastel colors illuminated the heavy snow clouds that danced above the forest. A heavy blanket of snow encased the land beyond, a wonderland of perfection waiting to be explored in a flit of joy. Trees bent beneath the weight of the snow creating an ethereal wonder and the snow absorbed the sky's flamboyant colors, reflecting it against her eyes. 

She sighed, pushing the covers away from her. Sekhet was pacing in her mind and she knew exactly what her wolf wanted. It was the mate bond, it was growing stronger. The early stages had one purpose. She felt a desire to be close to Kian every minute of the day and he felt it too. They weren't going to be able to give each other the space they wanted until they marked each other. Sekhet begged for her to see Kian and she had no other choice but to oblige. 

General and Amigo watched her move through the early morning light. They knew and she didn't have to say anything. She opened her bedroom door and stared at the door across the hall. She had given the room to Kian for the time being but deep down, she knew she wanted them to share everything. 

She took a breath and then lightly knocked on his door. She wasn't expecting him to answer as quickly as he did. 

"Hi." She whispered. 

"What are you doing up?" Kian asked, his appearance disheveled and his expression troubled. 

She shrugged a shoulder, "Same as you, I guess." 

"Yeah." He said awkwardly. 

"Do you want to go for a run with me?" 

An emotion filtered through his hazel eyes, a frown tugging at his lips, "I-I don't know." 


"I just... I don't know the territory," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm also horrible at being in the woods, I'll trip over every root and twig." 

She sensed something more, but nodded, "I'll guide you." 

"You would?" Excitement zinged through his eyes. 

"Yeah, its beautiful outside with all the colors." 

His eyes dropped, "O-oh, yeah. Color, its nice." 

Her eyebrows furrowed, "If you don't want to run with me, you can say no." 

"No! I want to go with you. Its just I'm... well, I'm uh..." He sighed, closing his eyes, took a breath and then opened his eyes, "I haven't been on a run in a long time, I hardly spend time in my fur." 

As much as she wanted to ask why, she chose to pursue it another time, "Let's get going, then." 

He nodded his agreement. There was another awkward moment of silence of them just standing there and then she turned to walk down the hall. Kian fell in step beside her. She eyed him silently out of the corner of her eye. There was something different about him and she beginning to think it had more to do with his wolf. She couldn't think of anyone who didn't regularly spend time with their wolf, it was almost like Kian was avoiding something. 

She opened the door to the outside world and the cold air rushed to greet her exposed skin. She exhaled, her breath crystalizing in the air, and then she shifted into her wolf. Sekhet howled in her mind with excitement and then they turned to Kian. He looked troubled but he quickly covered his expression. He took a breath and then he began shifting, it was slower than her shift and it looked more painful. 

He grunted and groaned. She realized he hadn't shifted in a long time in order for his shift to be painful. She wanted to know why her mate was like this, she wanted to know what he was hiding, but she also didn't want to push him. He hadn't pushed her for her past and she would respect him. 

Sekhet danced when Kian stood before them in his wolf form. He was devilishly handsome. His wolf was built with a lean physique, just like his human form. Soft, light tan fur covered his body with ginger highlights following the same pattern that hers did. Dark fur surrounded his face and ears, his paws were speckled tan and black, and Sekhet purred in pleasure of eyeing their mate. His hazel eyes glowed almost like two pools of honey. 

Kian nudged the door closed and then he began walking towards her. She gave a yip and leaped from the porch into the three-foot snow. Snow scattered around her, settling on her nose, and she sneezed before turning to face Kian. He was looking down at the steps, tilting his head from one side to the other. She whined, gaining his attention, and then he just leaped. Another explosion of snow settled over her and she shook her fur, tiny rainbows formed from the airborne snowflakes caught in the early morning light. 

He pushed through the snow to reach her side. His shoulder bumped with hers and she understood the silent request. She had agreed to guide him and that was exactly what she planned to do. She set off in a jog and he fell in pace with her. His fur constantly brushed with hers, it was like he was assuring himself that she was still there. 

While she was light on her paws and knew exactly where to place them for balance, Kian seemed unsure of himself. She assumed it was because he didn't spend as much time as he should have with his wolf. He and his wolf needed more time together. Eventually, as she followed an undecided path through the winter wonderland, Kian grew a little more confident. 

Before she knew it, they had broken into a lope. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, it was more work moving through the deep snow than she had planned it would be. He panted beside her but she didn't miss the amazement and joy that was radiating in his eyes. He seemed absolutely elated about running with her, though something told her that it wasn't just that. 

She went on runs every morning and it always made her feel good, but nothing compared to the feeling she felt with Kian running by her side. Not only was the land an ethereal beauty but so was her mate. Sunlight filtered through the heavy, snow ladden branches, and the snow erupted into a million sparkling crystals. They found themselves racing each other through the land without a care in the world and she couldn't imagine anything better in that moment. 

x   x   x   x   x   x


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Her Fated MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon