Chapter Thirteen

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"I don't know what to do!" She freaked out. 

Mikica had five broken bones now that were trying to realign themselves. With every scream, Mikica's wolves yipped and howled in distress. There was an overwhelming amount of noise in the room with Lee trying to keep Remi calm. 

Her heartbeat accelerated and she was out of breath. If only she hadn't let Fox leave, he would have been able to help this entire situation. She should have went, like she planned, but she trusted him. It was a giant mess and Mikica's life was on the line. 

Suddenly, Kian grabbed both of her arms. Out of instinct, she tried ripping her arms away from him. He didn't let go and she grew frustrated. Her emotions were really out of control. 

"Look at me." He ordered. 

"Let me go." She growled. 

"Look at me, Reeve." 

Finally, she rose her eyes to meet his, another scream from Mikica made her flinch. 

"You can do this," Kian touched her cheek with his thumb, "Nobody else has the guts to put their hands on a broken bone and align it but you. You're brave enough to do this and you have to start doing it now." 

"What if I mess up?" She breathed. 

"Then you won't have the guilt of knowing you didn't try." 

She exhaled, "Okay." 

Kian squeezed her hand and then he released her. His hazel eyes were captivating and calming, she had to tear her eyes away. With a deep breath, she moved towards the bed. 

"Lee, Remi, you have to keep her as still as possible." She said, resting her knees on the bed. 

"Watch the lungs," Lee said, "A broken bone is sharp and easily dangerous." 

She nodded. For a moment, she closed her eyes and called upon the strength of her wolf. She needed steady and sure hands. She couldn't have the fear she was hurting Mikica and she couldn't second guess herself. She needed the rash confidence that Sekhet beheld. Sekhet answered her call and her eyes began to glow. 

She gingerly felt the first broken bone in Mikica's arm. At first, she was confused on how to align the limb, but then it became clear. The entire skeleton was rearranging from human to wolf. It was like a puzzle that had moving pieces. She began correcting the positions of the broken bones. Mikica would unconsciously jerk and whimper but she didn't stop. She couldn't. 

With the back of her hand, she wiped away a tear that escaped her eye. Kian rested his hand on her calf and she refocused on her task. It was a painstaking process, not only for Mikica but for everyone involved. Remi could no longer look at Mikica and Lee had tears in her eyes. 

For just a moment, Mikica stopped breathing. She had sucked in a breath, a pit forming in her stomach. But, in the next moment, Mikica was breathing again. Mikica's eyes flashed open and vibrant, glowing blue eyes were prominent. 

It seemed like an eternity before the bones stopped cracking and fur began sprouting from the pores of Mikica's skin. Like a wildfire, dark chocolate fur spread across the surface of Mikica's body and muscles expanded into that of a wolf. She stepped away from the bed and everyone followed her lead. 

Mikica shook in the bed but it was no longer a human girl. A wolf rested where Mikica had once been. She let out a sigh of relief, the shift was over and it had been successful. Kian wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she tiredly leaned into him. 

Mikica took a few labored breaths, eyes fluttering, and then the fur began to recede. Skin reappeared just as fast as it had disappeared and bones morphed themselves back into a human body. They watched Mikica's breath even out and then a deep sleep captured her. It would be a while before Mikica came around, her body needed to rest from the extreme process.

"You did an amazing job." Kian whispered in her ear. 

"I can't believe she shifted." Remi gawked. 

"It has to mean that her mother was a werewolf," She said, softly and tiredly, "That's the only way she would have the gene." 

Remi shook his head, "No, that would only mean she was a halfblood, like Cassius." 

"Her father could have been a halfblood." Kian suggested. 

She blinked, "That could be possible." 

"How would we know for sure?" Lee asked. 

She shrugged, "Do we have to know now? I mean, she has a wolf. Now the fun begins. The last time I was around a newly shifted was more than a decade ago." 

"She'll get uncontrollable urges." Remi said. 

Lee sighed, "She'll feel overly emotional." 

"I think the worst part is going to be her attitude," She said and when everyone looked at her, she laughed a little, "What? I'm not joking. Combine her fiesty spirit with a wolf and we got a hand-full." 

"She probably takes after you." Kian chuckled. 

"Yeah, I can only imagine how my first shift was,"  She replied then said, "I'm pretty thirsty, anyone else?" 

"Parched." Remi groaned. 

They filed out of Mikica's bedroom. After they situated Mikica, her temperature was already returning to normal, her wolves inspected the girl. They settled onto her bed and she closed the door with a smile. She could only imagine the fun they would have now, Mikica would be able to run and play with them. 

She stood by the sink in the kitchen, gulping cool water. Remi was on his fifth cup and Lee was scolding him to slow down before he choked. Kian sorted through the frige for a quick meal to whip up. She never expected today to be as wild as it was. She didn't even realize it was well past dark, it was the middle of the night. 

Suddenly, the front door swung open and Fox rushed in. 

She chuckled, "Boy, did you miss it." 

x   x   x   x   x   x

Okay, so you guys totally caught me in the previous books. 

No matter how much I insisted that Mikica was just human, you wouldn't believe me. I had other plans...but I kind of like where this went. 

Are you guys happy? 

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