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Zhi Ruo's POV

I don't need to do any of that work, I can just do things my way, my style. But this body can't handle that right now, even by just going inside the lotus dimensions I can already feel my Qi almost empty. My body is doing well though, this was due of my will of course. If I was any other person, I would have already succumbed and faint.

I can only get some low grade water stones I have at hand. They require almost no Qi to activate and one of those pebble like Stone can fill up the tub that I'm gonna be using. I gather up of what's remaining of my Qi and pulled two brightly blue rocks, stones if I rephrase.

I can feel my vision starting to blur just by pulling out two low grade rocks. I leaned beside the tub and held myself. I took a deep breath and tossed the stone inside the tub, upon contact water gushed out from the stone, the bright blue stone lost its color and became a clear crystal.

I grabbed the clear crystal and along with the other blue stone I put it in my bed. Or at least what I think is my bed. It looks more of a rag than a bed to me. I would need these crystals later on.

I walked back to the tub outside and stripped my clothes layer by layer. The black sticky substance released a very disgusting sound. The clothes that I have been wearing are now completely ruined, it was not much in the first place though.

I looked at the flower patters on the dress that was already fading due to it being always used and washed. I grabbed them and threw them into a pile beside the tub. I don't even have undergarment fit for me.

I stepped in to the tub and let the warm water soak up all the black stuff away. I dipped my head and washed my hair. The water was warm, so I closed my eyes and cultivated. Beside the water having a bit of Qi and the isolated area that I am in, is the perfect time to cultivate.

I led the Qi that was rushing towards my body like a dam being let loose to my dantian, the ever flowing energy that somehow makes me euphoric was led by me to cover up my foundation. I made the energy as dense as it could be and wrapped it around, I did it over and over again that somehow my intake of Qi was getting slower.

So I opened my eyes, and stopped cultivating. It was not the same as before back on Earth. I sighed and gathered my newly acquired Qi to get some plain white clothes and some soap and shampoo.

And as expected my energy depleted, though noticably it was a lot slower. And my body noticeably got lighter, and more refreshed.

I stood up and let the water dry, my long strings for hair was a bit damped so I let it be. I grabbed those plain white clothes that I got from my Lotus dimensions and put it on. It was only three layers. The undergarment, a layer and an outer coat.

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