21.9K 950 149


Dr. Henry K. Vanderwall

DAY 01:

Three weeks ago, a wolf was found in the Alaskan wilderness. The animal was brought to a small research station, Global Relief (a silly little "Save the animals!" group, or so I had thought), to be tagged and marked as a study of wolf behavior.

The wolf was brought to B.E.A.R. LABORATORIES when he transformed  into a man.

The first lycanthrope to ever be discovered.

I have been given jurisdiction over this case, now called THE TEKULA PROJECT, per request of General McManus.

The goal is to study and tame the animal. We have tried to find more of it's kind, but with no success. He seems to be the only one.

Today is my first interview with the beast.

DAY 78

It is useless.

The animal is territorial and destructive. Multiple people, including myself, have tried to speak to him, but he only growls and bares his teeth. He doesn't speak. I'm not sure if it's because he can't, or because he won't.

DAY 103

The Project attacked his trainer today, completely shattered his right arm. The Project is only getting more violent.

DAY 380

We have a new addition to the team--not my decision--a student fresh out of college. Veronica Odair. She was recruited by Dr. Anderson.

DAY 385

The Project escaped.

I have no idea how. Thankfully, he only made it to the 3rd level. There are five levels to the underground building; he is housed in the 5th.

Unfortunately, he spotted our new addition. His reaction to her was one nobody expected.

He has an... attraction to her.

We have no idea how, or why, but we will use this connection to our advantage.

DAY 386

The girl will be interviewing the Project.

We have given her a list of questions to ask him. We will be monitoring how it reacts to her, as well as how she reacts to him. She seems afraid of him. I can't say I blame her.


Veronica Odair
Private Logue》

Session 1: May 26, 2019

Today was my first day with the project. I can't say we made much progress. He kept calling me Mate. It seems important to him, whatever it means. It seems I have my work cut out for me.

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