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QUINN PACES RESTLESSLY, her fingers knotting themselves together, twisting and turning with anxiety. Yesterday's events replay in her mind over and over, continuously repeating--a constant reminder--of the fear she had felt.

Her eyes dart over to Henry's office door, where she knows he is sitting idly at his desk, his mere presence taunting her to ask him the question she so desperately wishes an answer for.

Ever since she left the ominous underground facility, her conscious has been prodding her to find out what happened. Quinn's mind has been buzzing with ideas and speculation as to what exactly they are hiding down there.

Of course, they being her father.

He has been chief scientist of B.E.A.R. Labs for as long as she can remember. She can't imagine why he would hold a lesser title here. Whatever project they are working on in that bunker, he is definitely the one calling the shots.

This only makes Quinn more wary of the situation. Sure, Dr. Vanderwall is a terrible father, but is he an even worse person outside the home? Whatever made those howls was not normal, nor was it anything good. What could he have possibly been working on to have warranted such a howl?

Quinn glances at the door once more. She has spent the last twenty minutes raising the courage to interrogate her father, something that will, no doubt, end horribly.

She has yet to tell Spencer of the strange happenings at the bunker. He was able to tell something was wrong, as he could hear the subtle quiver in her voice, but she refused to give him any indication as to what happened. She didn't want to worry nor burden him with her own fears. Little does she know, her silence on the matter only served to heighten his worry.

She steps hesitantly up to the door, willing her heart to quit beating so fast. Quinn runs her palms over her jeans, wiping the cool sweat from her skin.

It isn't good to be so afraid of one's own father.

Just as her fist raises to knock on the door, it swings open to reveal her father, his usual stern look settled on his aging face.

"What are you doing?" He questions, his palpable authority filling the space.

Quinn stumbles back, her mouth opening and closing, fumbling for an answer. "I-I just--I just--"

"Spit it out. I am needed at the lab and I don't have time to listen to you trip over your own tongue."

"What was that?"

Her question startles Henry.

He knows exactly what she is asking, and he knows she can't possibly find out under any circumstances.

"The happenings of my work do not concern you, nor do they suit your frailty of mind," he dismisses, brushing past her and into the kitchen.

Quinn scoffs loudly, her shocked expression instantly twisting into one of anger. She easily recognized the hidden insult in his words.

"My frailty of mind?! I'm not an idiot. I don't know what you are doing down there in that hole, but whatever it is, it isn't good."

Henry tries to ignore how familiar those words sound. The last time he heard them, they were from Quinn's mother.

"You don't know what you are talking about."

"Well then explain it to me!" Quinn says exasperatedly. "My entire life you have locked yourself in a lab, keeping everything a secret from me and from mom."

Dr. Vanderwall turns around sharply. "I swore an oath of secrecy, and pledged my loyalty to our government. I can't tell you, Harmony."

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