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SUBJECT ZERO STARES at his reflection in the one-way glass. They replaced the window in his cell, but with one he couldn't see through. That was weeks ago.

The only good parts of his days are when he sees his teachers. Granted, they are all 'bad' and Katie is the only 'good' one, but it is better than going days on end just staring at his reflection.

At first, he was enamored by his own reflection. Of course, he had seen others' faces, but he had never seen his own. The excitement soon wore off, however, and he became bored once more.

In those weeks, he has shifted three times. The first two were using the serum, but the last time he shifted on his own. That one was much less painful and almost felt pleasant.

He has progressed quite well in his education, according to Katie. He can understand most of what everyone says, as long as they use simple words. Unfortunately, he has yet to learn how to speak back.

The young lycan has struggled endlessly with trying to speak. He understands what he is supposed to do, but he just can't make any sound come from his lips.

Katie stands before him now, urging him to use his voice, but with no luck thus far.

"C'mon, you can do it. Say E," she says.

The Subject exhales, holding his tongue in the position he was shown, but no sounds come out. Only the sound of his breath and a frustrated growl are heard.

The door opens, revealing Dr. Vanderwall. The heavy metal door clicks shut behind him as he strides into the tiny cell. The lycan hears her heartbeat accelerate.

"Sir," she greets, turning to face him. The lycan sits up a little straighter, willing his hands not to shake.

"Any luck?" He asks.

"No, sir. He has improved in all other areas, though."

"Good. At least he can accomplish something."

The Subject didn't quite understand all the words the Doctor had said, but he got the feeling it wasn't very nice. Nice was another thing Katie had taught him.

"Well, it's time to move on for today. The rest of the crew should be here any minute."

"What are we doing next?" Katie asks.

"We are going to see how quickly he heals."


The lycan is in what they call the 'lab'. It has multiple counters and wheel-around carts full of supplies and medicines. It has only one window into the corridor outside, all the other walls being made of concrete.

In the middle of the room lies an operating table.

The Subject is strapped to the table with shiny metal cuffs that sting his skin. He whimpers at the discomfort. His feet and wrists are both bound with extra straps over his thighs and chest. A final strap is secured across his forehead, holding his head to the tabletop.

This is so you don't hurt yourself, Katie had said. Only, he doesn't understand why he would hurt himself. He feels scared, cold, and in pain. All the clothes have been stripped from his body except for a pair of cotton shorts, leaving him cold and embarrassed.

The metal of the tabletop feels like ice on his skin, sending little shivers down his spine. His body trembles and shakes, but he isn't sure if it is from the cold, or fear.

People stare down at him from all sides. All wear masks over their faces and latex gloves on their hands. They hold various items: siccors, scalpels, needles.

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