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QUINN'S KNEE BOUNCES anxiously. Her hands are clasped on the table top, fingers knotting together. Her eyes frequently glance up at the door, hoping--praying--Veronica and Theseus got her letter.

She doesn't know what she'll do if they refuse to help her. There is no way she can expose all of this on her own. Even if they do agree to her plan, there is no guarantee it will work.

The bell above the door rings, signaling another customer. Quinn glances up, her eyes landing on a woman with bright red hair standing beside a man who looks about as rugged as a rugby or lacrosse player.

Quinn is almost startled when they begin to head in her direction. Her mouth slowly begins to drop open. It has to be him. No way that guy isn't Theseus. The woman is the first to speak.

"Are you Quinn?" She asks.

"I... I--yeah..." Quinn just stares at Theseus. He is a real life werewolf! She had almost forgotten who he was.

"You're Theseus!" Quinn whisper-shouts. "Holy--oh man. You're freaking real!"

Theseus' brow knits in confusion. He looks down at himself, then at Veronica, who seems to be stifling a grin behind her hand. "Yes. I am real," he answers in all seriousness.

"Can I touch you?" Quinn asks in awe, her hand already reach for his bicep.

Theseus flinches, quickly stepping out of the way of her curious fingertips. This snaps Quinn out of her daze, and she quickly rights herself, clearing her throat.

"Uh, sorry. That was weird, she says, her cheeks heating in embarrassment.

"Its a-alright. Vee likes touching me, too."

Veronica slaps his shoulder, shoving him into the booth where she slides in beside him, her face flushed.

"Oh. I'm sure she does," Quinn chuckles to herself.

"Hem-hem," Veronica clears her throat. "Well, I suppose introductions are no longer in order, but I'm Veronica Odair, and this is my husband Theseus Odair."

"Mates," Theseus quickly interjects. "We don't have to lie to someone who already knows."

"I'm sorry, what now?" Quinn asks.

"Mates," Theseus answers, a giddy smile rising on his cheeks. "We are fated together--like soulmates. We share a bond that cannot be broken."

Veronica face palms.

"So... You are not only a werewolf, but you two share some kind of written in the stars stuff?" Quinn asks, her eyebrows steadily inching up her forehead.

"Yes. It is something every werewolf has," Veroncia answers.

"All of those teen fiction novels are true then?"

"To an extent, yes," she replies.

A moment of silence passes, neither party knowing exactly how to progress. Theseus gently takes Veronica's hand his, his fingers massaging her palm and running over her wrist.

"So, you are Dr. Vanderwall's daughter?" Veronica questions hesitantly.

A sour look passes over Quinn's features, her eyes hardening. "Unfortunately, yes." She finds it hard to look at the couple across from her, suddenly feeling the weight of shame falling heavily on her shoulders.

"I'm so, so sorry about what happened to you guys," Quinn starts. "What he did--what he would have done--was inhumane and heartless. I wish there was something I could have done--"

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