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Bros, my mom read Tekula. I'm not sure how I feel about that...

THE SHARP CLICK of Dr. Hyung's high heels pierce the silence of the corridor. She strides purposefully down the many hallways, her pace quickening with pent up excitement. A proud smile twitches at the corners of her maroon-colored lips.

Her delicate, surgeon-like hand raps lightly on Dr. Vanderwall's office door, before swinging it open. He glances up at her as she enters, before turning his attention back to the woman across the desk from him: Katie Lowell, if she remembers correctly.

"Your concerns for the Subject are dually noted," he says to Katie before gesturing to the door. Recognizing the silent command, the younger woman takes her leave. Dr. Hyung watches with a hidden smile as she exits.

Once the door is closed, Dr. Vanderwall's gaze narrows at her. "You have good news, I hope?"

"Great news, Sir," she says, taking a seat across from him.

Henry inclines his head for her to elaborate.

"Not only did the majority of the others survive embryosis, they have begun to grow at a much faster rate than the original Subject." She smirks at him then, her eyes alight with pride and confidence.

"And what of Broca's area? Do you believe it has been fixed?"

Hyung's face turns serious then. Broca's area is the part of the brain responsible for speech and writing. The Subject's brain is lacking in this area, which is what prevents him from speaking.

"There won't be a way to tell until they wake up. In my opinion, I think it will work."

Henry rubs his chin thoughtfully. Everything is coming together quite nicely, he muses. "When you say majority, how many do you mean?"

"Thirty-six out of the initial fifty subjects survived," she says with pride.

"Good, good. Do we know when they should be waking up?" He asks, leaning back in his chair.

"Probably only a month, sir. They will be arriving in the next few weeks, once B.E.A.R. approves their transfer."

After a few more minutes are spent discussing plans with the new subjects, Dr. Hyung is dismissed. The door clicks closed behind her, the cold office returning to its former silence.

Dr. Vanderwall hums, crossing his arms over his chest as he relaxes back in his chair.

"It seems that Theseus is no longer the last of his kind."


Quinn stares into the mirror, eyeing her oddly mixed hair. It has grown out now, her true chestnut color now clearly visible all the way to her ears. She pulls the strands back, working her fingers through to form a tight French braid.

She tugs a black beanie over her head, pulling it snug over her ears. Clad also in gloves, hiking boots, and the thickest coat she owns, Quinn trudges to the front door. Her gloved hands struggle to grasp the door handle as she twists it open.

It really isn't super cold, but to Quinn, it might as well be Hoth. Early April has brought roughly 40° weather, something that has thankfully begun to melt the snow. Fahrenheit, that is, since America is too cool for Celsius.

Quinn feels like a frozen marshmallow as she begins her trek. She wonders if any of this was a good idea. No, never mind that negative thought. This is a necessary risk she is readily willing to take.

Her goal is to spy on the bunker.

Ever since she discovered The Tekula Project, she has been borderline obsessed with figuring out her father's new project. Today, she plans to hide in the woods and observe the mysterious bunker. She isn't sure what exactly she is looking for, and maybe this was a stupid plan, but she is hoping for the best, for once.

TEKULA: SUBJECT ZEROOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant