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Recap: Quinn broke into the facility and was captured after fleeing into the presence of the Subject. Her speculations regarding the project were correct and she is awaiting answers...

QUINN IS AWOKEN by the harsh sound of the metal lock. It screeches into place as the metal door swings open on a whine, Quinn rising to a sitting position as it does. She had been expecting her father, but that wasn't who she saw.

Two guards enter, dragging her out of the cell despite her many protests that she could do so on her own. Outside, waits a woman she recognizes from both yesterday and her visit a few months ago. Quinn scowls at her.

"Hello, I believe we have met before," she begins. "My name is Katie Davis."

Quinn doesn't say anything. This woman does not deserve her words.

"Right, well, your father is waiting, so we best get going."

"Ah, he is waiting for me? If he was, then why didn't he come and get me himself instead of sending one of his minions," Quinn accuses sharply, her gaze like fire as she is forcefully led into a new hallway. It looks just the same as the others, but Quinn has yet to see it.

Katie swallows uncomfortably. "I can understand your frustration, Harmony--"

"Its Quinn!"

"But your father is a very busy man," she explains.

"Oh yeah? Too busy to see his own daughter who he locked up himself?!" Quinn asks, seething through a clenched jaw. Katie stays silent, leading her deeper into the facility.

Quinn follows silently, her anger wishing to explode, yet held back by the deep feeling of hurt in her chest. She knew her father didn't love her like most fathers love their children, but she had never imagined this kind of betrayal from him. He imprisoned her for his own gain. Quinn knew he put his job before everything, but she didn't realize everything included her.

She also can't help thinking about the boy in white. He was utterly terrified--that much she knew for sure. Why, though? The fear that seemed permanently embedded in his eyes had to be caused by something, but what? Who hurt him?

They finally come to a stop in front of a plain grey door with a single skinny window. She notices a very high-tech touchscreen keypad beside it. Well, someone doesn't want this room broken into. Katie raps twice on the door then pauses to wait for an answer.

"Come in," a familiar gruff voice responds. Quinn swallows thickly, suddenly anxious.

She keys in a quick code before swinging the door open, the guards releasing Quinn's shoulders to permit her entry. She enters cautiously, Katie following behind her.

"You are dismissed, Katie," he says, to which she quickly obeys. The door is closed with a resounding click.

The office is exactly what she expected it to be: plain grey walls, no mementoes or plants, standard furniture with minimal clutter. Henry Vanderwall sits at the desk, glasses perched on his hooked nose, fingers steepled beneath his chin. His piercing eyes survey the two women quickly before settling back on the spreadsheet before him.

Quinn takes a seat, suddenly unsure of how she is supposed to act. She is feeling so many strong emotions, she is having a hard time picking out which one to act on: anger, embarrassment, hurt...

Henry stares blankly at his daughter, carefully observing the various emotions that flit across her features. It seems he is not the only one suffering from an internal conflict. He has been anticipating this day for many years now. He had hoped to avoid it completely, though he wasn't ignorant to the possible complications that would elicit the ultimate revelation of his plans--complications like breaking and entering into a top secret facility.

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