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I groan as I wake up but, turn over a bit to feel a soft pillow next to my head I sleepily ask, "Where am I?"

"You're in Tulsa, you feel down when a clap of lightning hit you you fell pretty hard but, my brother Ponyboy and I saw everything so we brought you back here. I have two quick question to ask you, do you know what's today date is and where do you live?" A guy with a soothing voice says.

"Yeah, it's June 1st 2014 and I live in Tulsa next to the lake," I inform him

"Umm, here we'll talk more when you're awake," I hear him telling me his voice sounds confused and then I hear him whisper. "Pony, Darry, she thinks it's 2014."

"What that's no where near the real date," another guy responds, I wonder if it was Pony or Darry.

"Well she got the actual date right I mean it is June 1st," the guy I was talking to says.

I hear another guy say, "Let's go, she need her sleep we'll talk to her tomorrow."

When I hear the door close my eyes shoot open and I check my phone, it read June 1st 1965. Oh my gosh it's 1965, I'm no longer in 2014. This must be a dream. I quickly dash out of the room to see seven boys all sitting down talking and my mind immediately goes to all the boys that have hurt, I feel my stomach drop. I gulp and I can feel as the sweat trickles down my face.Oh my god I think that I'm having a panic attack because of my anxiety.I can't breathe, oh my god I'm really having a panic attack. I look around and soon enough I hear one of the guys say, "she ain't looking so good, I think she's going to bl-" As he says that rooms starts spinning and I can't hear anything. Then everything goes black and I guess I fall to the ground.

I wake up to the same soothing voice saying, "I don't think this girl is going to be okay."

As he says that I jump up to see the same seven guys, I gasp and make a little squeaking sound. I try to say something but nothing comes out. The that was talking runs over to me and pleads,

"Please don' black out!" He rushes me to sit down and all the guys surround me I can finally say,

"If ya'll don't back off me I'm going to have another panic attack so scram!"

I hear as a muscular guy wearing a black t-shirt says, " Hey Dal, sounds like you kind of girl."

"Listen ya'll I from 2014 but, something happened and now I'm here, so as soon as I can I'll get out of your hair but, don't you dare say anything bad to me because ya'll won't that mistake twice," I say trying to keep my cool.

"Ok well, until there you can stay here, by the way I'm Sodapop," The guy that was talking to me before said.

"I'm Ponyboy, this is Darry, Dally, Two-bitts, Steve, and Johnnycake," Soda's I think little brother told me.

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