The walk with Pony

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We walk out to the cold air and as soon as he hears the door close he says, "Ok, so I think it's pretty obvious that ain't as cold as you let everybody think you are."

"What are you talking about?" I nervously ask


"No tuff girl would of screeched Soda the way you did so what happened?" He asks

"Nothing, Pony trust me," ok so I lied a little.

"Oh shit, run!" Pony yells out of no where and starts to running.

I do as told but ask, "What's happening Pony?"

He gasps, "The mustang there are Socs in there, they might want to jump us!"

I stop dead in my tracks and say, "Keep on running Pony get the gang I'll fight em off."

He looks with tears in his eyes but still runs and nods his head. I stand there and six Socs come out of the car they say, "Hey grease, what's up?"

"Nothing that you need to know," I reply.

"Oh so you're a sassy grease aren't you?" The blonde Soc asks.

"You bet I am," I answer.

"get her, he commands and the other five Socs come after. I run but soon enough they got me and they pinned me down. I felt a blade pressed against cheeks, they're going to kill me I thought. I'm going to die this is it. Two of them were holding me down. One of them were on top of me the one with the blade. Then the other three are kicking me or punching me. The blade goes from the top of my cheekbone down to my neck. Then he repeats on the other side. I can feel as my tears roll down my face. I cry out in pain, I'm bleeding everything. I soon start yelling in case the gang can't find me. "Help! Help! They're hurting me! Help me!" I'm desperately just yelling, "Save me! Save me!

I hear the Socs that on top yell "shut her up!" The one that is holding me down stuffs a handkerchief down my throat.

I try to yell but nothing comes out, then I hear familiar voices yelling and Pony comes rushing to my side. "Pony?" I ask.

"Yea what is it Ari are you okay?"

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