The Greasers

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I look around and go to my room I guess I shout out, " when the door is closed ya'll can leave me alone, got it?"

"Yea we dig," they all say.

The door shuts and I immediately burst into to tears, I hear I knock on the door and I sniffle, "Who is it?"

"Soda, can I come in?" He asks me with a pleading tone sort of like the one he had when he asked me not to black out again.

Ok one second," I say trying not to let him that I'm crying.

He must not of heard the last part because he comes right here, "Were you crying?"

"Maybe a little," I say.

"Listen the boys think you're pretty tuff but, I want to talk to you as a person and not whatever that was. Listen I'm here for you. So do you want to talk about things?" Soda states as if he didn't care either way but, I knew he cared.

I look at him and started to sob, "Oh Soda, I don't know what to do, I swear I'm from 2014. I have a long past back there but, it's home and I don't think that I can explain everything to you guys plus I hate guys. Every guy who's ever gotten close to me has left me. Soda please don't tells about my soft side. Please I just can't take it, I gotta get home Soda!"

He looks down at me and just hugs me tight. I smile a little and as we break away he wipes away my tears and says, "Ok I won't but, you gotta show these guys that you're actually a nice girl. They all think you're like Dal and trust me you don't want to get that reputation."

"I'll try, and by the way my name is Arianna," I tell him.

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