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I wake ly the next morning to a naked Soda, and a sick feeling in my stomach. "Oh god!" I exclaim as I run to the bathroom and throw up. I lay back again the wall for a couple minutes and then I threw up again, this happened five more times before Darry came in and looked over me, I think he could tell I was sick because he asked me, "You okay Ari, because I heard what sounded like somewhat throwing up and you look as sick as a dog?"

I nodded and said, "yeah, I'm fine, it must of just been something that I ate."

"Okay, should I let Soda know?" He asked me looking concerned.

"No, let him sleep," I replied.

"Okay kiddo, feel better," he said the second later.

"Thanks Darry," I replied dully.

He walked out and about three minutes after I started to heave again, the process happened for about a half an hour before I could get up scrub my teeth so my breathe didn't smell bad and go back to Soda. I plopped down on his bed and rolled over to see a now half a sleep Soda I guess the plop sort of woke him up but, he had to get anyways to get ready for work; therefore I decided to wake him up."Good morning love. I see you decided to get dressed," he said groggily then went to kiss me.

I quickly yelled, "no!" Then pulled back to stop him.

He looked at me strangely and asked, "you okay?"

I replied, "yea, I would love to kiss you but, I've been sick as a dog for the past half an hour. I pretty sure you don't want to kiss me."

"Yea, probably not a good idea. Although I have to ask as you boyfriend, what's wrong?" He asked with a look of concern on his face.

"I was just throwing up," I informed him.

"Oh, well are you okay? Do you want me to stay home from work? Can I do anything for you? Here let me just go run down to Steve and tell him I have to call out," he said concerned.

I weakly replied, "No Soda, I'm sick not you. Go to work please."

"I can't just leave you here alone, when you don't feel well, that wouldn't make me a very good boyfriend," he replied still concerned.

"Well it wouldn't make you a very good brother to call out when you have a responcibility," I replied a little annoyed.

"Fine," he said dully and changed into his work clothes.

The rest of the day, I lie in bed feeling sicker than ever. Two-bits, Dally, Pony, and Johnny were all home by now and Two-bitts came up stair. "Hey," I whispered weakly considering I was napping about five minutes ago.

"Hey Ari, how you feeling?" He asked quietly seeing how weak I was.

"I'm ok, I guess. I mean I haven't thrown up since noon," I reply looking at the time 2:30.

"So I heard about you and Soda," he whispered sadly.

"Yea,I know you liked me and all but, don't be sad. I do love you as a brother," I say hoping it'll cheer him up.

Two-bitts sighed, "I know Ari, know."

"Two-bitts do you love me still?" I asked with a sigh, "will you ever be able to love me like a sister and not a girlfriend?"

He seemed a little confused, "yea, don't worry Ari, Soda is worried about you Ari, I saw him today and he's a mess!"

"I need to see him, please help me up!" I demand getting kind of loud.

"No Ari," he says strictly.

"Fine, I'll do it on my own," I say as I stand up and walk out of the house. I weakly and slowly walk over to the DX. I hear Soda, "three and a half hours unti-" He looks over and sees me, he dashes over to me just to pick me up tightly and spin me around. "Soda, put me down my stomach is killing me," I shout out to him.

"Why are you here then?" He asked worriedly.

"I heard you were worried so I got up and walked out," I replied.

"How you feeling?" I heard Steve ask.

"Like shit," I holler back.

"You should go home,"Soda said genuinely.

"Ok bye love," I said then proceeded, "see ya Steve."

"Bye Ari," they both say.

I walked into the house and shouted, " I'm going to take a nap ya'll!" I headed up stairs and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to a kiss on my forehead but, I just mumbled, "hi Soda."

He replied softly,"shhh go back to sleep."

He stroked my hair as I mumbled, "ok Soda."

I fell back asleep until about midnight, I felt nauseous again. I jumped out of bed and woke up Soda. I heard him ask, "you okay?" I ignored him and ran to the bathroom he chased after me. I finally get into the bathroom and lean over the toilet, I throw up dinner from that night. When I finish I lean against the wall and ask, "Soda do I feel warm?"

He gently lays the back of his hand up against my forehead and a look of confusion comes over him, "no, you feel fine."

"Soda one more question," I say. "Can I work at the DX with you and Steve?"

"Sure but not today," he replies as he kisses my cheek.

"But I'm fi-" I start to whine but get cut off by a sick feeling in my stomach. I quickly lean over the toilet once again and start to puke.

When I finish I continue to whine, "but I'm fine."

Soda quickly and strictly says, "No you're not."

"I'm going back to sleep," I say and with that we both decide to go up stairs and get some rest.

The next morning I get up and once again I start to puke, as soon as I'm done I start to scrub my teeth. I walk into Soda's room and get ready for work. I know Soda said I'm not going but I'm going I don't care what he says I'm coming. As I wake up Soda the first thing he asks is, "how are you feeling."

I know I have to think quick because if i say yes he'll kiss me when I'm sick and I say no I can't go to work then I think of it and lie, "yea I feel better but, I don't think you should kiss me."

"Ok," Soda agreed with a tight squeeze and he starts to spin me around.

I become extremely nauseous all I can think is don't puke don't puke, then I let it slip out, "ow my stomach!"

'Sweetie you aren't ok, why did you lie to me?" He asked I heard the hurt in the voice and saw the pain in his face.

"Because I want to go to work, I feel bad about not helping Darry," I reply honestly.

"You ain't coming," he said blatantly.

"Watch me," I say as I walk out of the house with Steve.

Steve happily said, "looks like somebody's feeling better!"

"Nah, I'm sick as a dog but I've started working with you and Soda," I reply with a hint of happiness in that statement.

"Oh and where's Soda?" Steve asked me.

"I don't know, I stormed out of the house because Soda didn't want me nor, would he of let me come with you and him," I replied calmly.

Steve quickly questioned, "so is he coming in then?"

"Yea, he has to," I replied.

"Oh, okay," he sighed.

"Do I look sick?" I asked him.

"No I fell for it," I heard Soda say bitterly.

"Soda!" I yelled happily I still feel pretty bad about the fight.

"Hey," he simply said.

"Soda please don't be mad at me. I love you," I pleaded because I hate it when he was mad at me.

"Fine, your shirt is behind the counter from the last time you worked here," Soda informed me.

"Thanks," I yelled to him as I ran into the store.

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