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My alarms woke me up, instantly putting me into a bad mood.

I scrolled through my social media's for a few minutes, forcing myself to wake up.

I soon got up, immediately starting my morning routine.

I took the braids out of my hair, letting it be curly.
I brushed my teeth and put on mascara and a chapstick.
I put on deodorant before getting into my uniform skirt and shirt, tucking it in.

I sprayed perfume before slipping on my long socks and Sperrys, giving myself an approving shrug in the mirror.

I grabbed my backpack, knowing I needed to wake my mom to drive me to school.

I ran downstairs, immediately seeing her and all of her friends scattered across the living room, sleeping.

I froze when I saw white substances and alcohol all over the coffee table.

My mom gave up alcohol once she met my dad, and I never thought she would even touch drugs.

I was shocked.

"Mom" I spoke loudly, instantly waking my mom and Kansas, making them both look to me, bloodshot eyes.

"Yes" my mom spoke quickly.

"I need a ride to school" I spoke.

"Skip" she spoke, laying her head back against the couch.

"I skipped yesterday, I need to go I'm already behind-" "Skylar, shut the fuck up" Kansas spat out towards me, making me instantly let my hands ball up into fists.

"Mom" I spoke, hitting her lightly.

"Skylar- I'm still on a high, just walk- it's like a fifteen minute walk through good neighborhoods, you'll be fine, just leave me alone please."

I shook my head, letting out a small laugh, leaving and slamming the door behind me.

So I started slowly walking.

And I decided to not tell my dad- as stupid as it seemed.

He had just gotten away from her
They had just gotten everything settled

They were happy

I wasn't going to disturb that with accusations, I didn't even know that it was drugs on the table- it could've been anything.

So I walked.

I prayed my dad or my uncles didn't pass me and see me walking, because if I was caught walking I would be dead for three reasons

1.) I know I'm not supposed to walk anywhere alone, too much could happen

2.) I should've called my dad as soon as she told me she wasn't going to take me

3.) I should've told my dad last night that she had friends over

But it was already too late to redo any of those mistakes.

After a long and nerve wracking fifteen minutes, I soon walked onto my schools campus, immediately swiping my ID to get in, going straight to where I knew all of my friends would be.

I sat at the table with my friends, exhaling.

"What happened to you?" My best friend, Johnathan grinned to me.

"Bad morning" I laughed lightly, looking to my phone, seeing a text from my dad.

Morning sunshine! Gave all the guys hugs for you this morning, can't wait to actually be able to hug you. I hope you have a good morning/day❤️

Thank you. It was a decent morning, just long so far. I can't wait to be with you too. I love you, and good luck on your surgeries today!

The school day went fairly fast and I found myself soon walking out of the doors, immediately seeing my moms car.

I got in with her, seeing her drinking water with the smallest smile.

"How was your day, sweetie?" She asked me as she started driving.

"Fine" I said shortly.

She went silent.

I didn't want to talk.

As she pulled into the driveway, she cleared her throat.

"I shouldn't have let you see or let you go through a lot that you did last night and this morning-" "we don't have to talk about it." I spoke firmly.

She looked shocked.

"Just promise me that you won't drink or do drugs again, I don't want those people over either or I'm going to tell dad." I spoke firmly to her, opening my door as she parked.

I watched her slowly nod.

"I understand why you feel this way, and I can promise you that. It won't happen again." She spoke.

"Thank you." I spoke, getting out of the car.

I went straight to my room, starting homework and getting all of my papers organized.

About forty minutes into homework, I heard my mom walk into my room.

"What are you working on?" She asked me.

"Calculus" I spoke swiftly.

She hummed, watching me for a few moments before letting out the lightest laugh.

"You must get your math skills from your father- because I could never do what you're doing" she laughed out, rubbing her fingers through my hair slowly, making me hum.

"Speaking of my dad" I spoke quietly.

"You didn't work because he made enough money to cover all the bills- are you going to get a job?" I asked her, hearing her go silent.

"I didn't think about that" she spoke lightly, managing to laugh.

"Yeah- I guess I will, I don't seem to have much of a choice, do I?"

separate Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora