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The next morning I woke up to someone hitting my arm lightly.

I turned in the direction of the hitting, blinking my eyes to try and actually see who it was.

"The police are here and want to speak to you about everything" Calum spoke to me.

So I slowly got up, not waking Skylar before throwing a shirt on, making sure my hair didn't look like absolute shit before walking into the living room.

It was two men, I immediately shook their hands, each of us exchanging our names.

"So, Mr.Hemmings we have Mr.Antonio Garcia along with several other individuals in our custody for use and possession of drugs, child endangerment, illegal custody of firearms, and some others have individual counts for themselves and the things they possessed, but we need to know whether you choose to press chargers on Antonio for assaulting your daughter-" "absolutely." I spoke firmly to him.

He nodded, writing something onto a small notebook that he held.

"Do you have any proof of the assault?" He asked.

Michael texted him the pictures of Skylar's wrists, her jaw and her stomach and collarbones, which seemed to bother the cop more than any of us expected.

"Piece of shit" I heard him mumbled quietly as he looked through the pictures, sighing lightly.

"To be completely honest with you" the cop cleared his throat lightly.

"I'm supposed to take you into custody for simple battery to Mr.Antonio." He spoke, making my heart drop.

That would certain get a few of my surgeries cancelled, if not all of them.

"But, I have a daughter and I understand." He mumbled quietly.

"I could get in huge trouble for this, but I'll get that charge dismissed." He spoke, shaking my hand.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me" I spoke, exhaling as I spoke.

He nodded slowly.

"Just don't attack the man in court, don't even threaten him with words, just be there for your girl, let the security handle anything else." He spoke firmly.

"Yes sir" I nodded, watching them both walk to the door.

"You guys have a good day, here's your subpoena for court along with your daughter's, you both need to be at the court Tuesday at one thirty, we'll hold all of the people from the house until then, but you guys will get to watch each verdict, including Antonio's" he spoke, handing me several papers.

"Do you know if my daughter will have to say anything in front of the court?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, because I didn't get to speak to the judge or anything about this case. I'm sure if she's too uncomfortable, nobody is going to make her, but it might just help the case more, but with solid evidence like the pictures, I don't know how much more you'll need." He spoke to me.

"Okay, thank you so much" I told him.

"Have a good day" the other smiled as they both walked away.

I shut the door, turning to the guys.

"Got away lucky" michael mumbled.

"You're telling me" I mumbled back to him.

"How'd Skylar sleep last night?" Ashton asked.

"She didn't wake up at all throughout the night, but when I got into bed with her- she instantly woke up and hit my chest like she was going to hit me away from her- I think the feeling of the bed moving was similar to the feeling of him getting into the bed with her- it scared the fuck out of both me and her." I told them, watching them shake their heads.

"Did she talk to you about any of it?" Michael asked.

"She says she's embarrassed." I told them.

"Understandable, I mean she's a teenage girl who went through something traumatic, and now she has to live in a house full of guys, I understand why she would feel that way" Calum spoke slowly.

"He fucked her up- like she's never been so closed up and locked away from us" Calum spoke after that.

"He's lucky that I care about my daughter and career, because I would've fucking killed him."

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