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Seconds after Dad and I hung up, my door opened- my mom standing in the doorway.

"What did you tell your father-" "nothing, I was on FaceTime with him when Antonio almost broke my wall from the door-" "you fucking bitch." She laughed, leaving the room.

I didn't say anything back, I held it in.

Within fifteen minutes I heard knocking and soon after talking.

"Yeah, she's back here, follow me" I heard mom say.

She opened the door, the four boys following behind.


I walked in, expecting to see my excited ball of sunshine, but I saw the exact opposite.

She was sitting in the middle of her bed- which seemed to be leaning awkwardly, telling me that whoever put it together didn't do a good job.

She kept a straight face on, her wet hair brushed straight, my own shirt covering a pair of shorts that she was wearing.

"I told you not to come" she whispered to us once her mom left.

I could tell that bothered Luke.

"What happened?" Luke asked her quickly, sitting beside her, stroking her wet hair.

"Nothing." She lied- the lie clear to each of us.

"Skylar, you have to talk to me" he spoke.

She reached for me.

I grabbed her hand, sitting in front of her, feeling her immediately start playing with my rings.

"Right now it's just like- competition between you guys and them." She mumbled, never looking to us.

"Mom doesn't want me telling you guys  anything that she's doing with me, so it makes me look like I'm telling you guys everything since you just showed up-" "I'm sorry." Luke immediately apologized to her, finally understanding why she was so- not happy.

"Are you comfortable with the two guys?" Luke asked.

I surely wasn't.

I got bad vibes from them the second they wouldn't make eye contact with me, barely even having the respect to shake my hand.

"Yeah- they're fine" she mumbled.

We all ended up in her bed soon.

We were just laying with her and talking, trying to get some emotions out of her, but like normal- she gave us nothing.

She sucked at expressing her feelings to people.

"We're going to have to go soon" Luke exhaled once he realized that it was almost past ten.

"Oh- okay" she spoke quietly, sitting up with all of us.

Before hugging her, Luke pulled the window multiple times, making sure it didn't come up.

"I'll probably FaceTime you tonight, I don't know that I don't want to be on the phone with you all night- just to make sure" Luke spoke slowly, and I expected Skylar to disagree and argue with him, but she nodded instead

"I'd be okay with that"

I watched as she gave Ash, Michael and Luke tight hugs.

She walked into my hold, making me immediately kiss the top of her head.

"Be safe, okay pretty girl?" I spoke to her, hearing her hum.

"I love you guys" she spoke, giving me a squeeze before we both pulled away.

She walked us to the door, where Luke hugged her again, her eyes closing as she held him.

There was something up with her, I just had a feeling.

"I love you guys" she spoke again, each of us responding with a "I love you more."

"Thank you guys for stopping by." Jessica smiled, intertwining her arm with Skylar's, Skylar glancing to the gesture- seeming shocked.

"Anytime, see you soon" Luke smiled before we all left, getting into the car, where Luke drove.

"There's something up." I spoke to them.

"She's just adjusting slowly" Ashton mumbled.

I let my knee bounce

"I don't know- I feel the same way as you, Calum"  Luke mumbled.

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