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"She needs to stay off of her ankle as much as she can and ice it every night for fifteen minutes-" "we'll we're moving thanks to someone selling our house unexpectedly, so shes not going to have time to rest." My mom spoke to my dad as they met at a gas station to exchange me.

"You have three months until you need to move, and the four of us are more than willing to help-" "I don't want any of your help, I just want you completely out of my life." She was being harsh.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today?" My dad spoke to her firmly, glancing to me as I acted as if I was on my phone.

"Nothing, I'm just- stressed, just- let me go" she spoke, opening her car door.

"Come give me a hug, Sky" he spoke, making me walk to him, hugging him tightly.

"Call me if she does anything stupid, okay?" He spoke quietly.

"And send me your location once you get to the house she bought, okay?" He asked.

"Okay" I spoke, hugging him again tightly.

My mom and I rode in silence.

We got to the house, seeing multiple cars, making me instantly want to throw myself out of the car.

"They're helping us move, no attitude to them- they're adults and you need to remember that." My mom spoke to me firmly, making me hum lightly.

I led the way inside- immediately making eye contact with Brian.

"Trippy, how was time with daddy?" He asked immediately.

"Good" I fake smiled, continuing my walk up to my room.

"Why are you going upstairs?" Kansas asked.

"Pack my stuff-" "I did that already" Antonio spoke.

"You packed my stuff?" I raised my eyebrows to him.

"Yeah" he spoke as if it was no big deal.

I laughed lightly, looking to my mom- who was avoiding my eye contact.

"What's the big deal?" Macy spoke.

"Yeah, I've seen tampons and girl underwear before- no big deal" he shrugged, the smallest smirk on his face, making me more and more angry.

"Skylar, just go pack the kitchen." My mom spoke through a sigh, making me walk into the kitchen.

I slowly started putting mugs and glasses into boxes, humming to myself throughout the process.

I could hear my mom and friends talking in the living room, but I didn't listen- I didn't want to hear what they said about me.

By the time the sun was going down, we had everything packed into the several cars, and I was riding with my mom- thankfully alone, to our new house.

"Where are we even moving?" I asked.

"A house close to your school, we're sharing with Brian and Antonio" she spoke slowly.

"We're sharing?" I shot the question to her quickly.

"Yes, I can't afford a whole house note- Skylar." She spoke quickly.

"I thought you were going to get a job-" "Skylar, you sound so fucking spoiled right now!" She yelled.

"You're moving me in with two strangers-" "and you should be thankful, we could be living in my car!" She yelled, making me roll my eyes.

My dad certainly wouldn't have me living in a car.

"I'm doing my best to provide for you without needing to get a job." She spoke firmly.

I bounced my knee.

We soon pulled up to a house that I would've thought was abandoned if my mom wouldn't have introduced it as 'home.'

We walked into the dark house, the four of us silent as we looked at the dust covered living room.

I tried not to think about the spider webs hanging from the corner of the room as mom led us to look through the rest of the house.

Four bedrooms, two bathrooms.
It was a decent size.

Nothing I was used to, but I'm no longer on a surgeons budget.

"This will be your room, Antonio will be next door to you- you two will share a bathroom, Brian and I have the rooms on the other side of the house.

"Why couldn't you and I share this side of the house?" I asked her.

"Because I let the guys pick the rooms that they wanted, now stop sounding so ungrateful."

I spent the rest of the afternoon putting my bed together by myself.

And it was the struggle.

I had to take it apart and redo it at least six times.

But eventually, I had it up.

I dusted, disinfected and cleaned all the spider webs away before making my bed, sighing once I saw the littlest bit of improvement.

I dug through the boxes for my room, eventually finding my clothes.

I took out random clothes to sleep in, grabbing a towel before going to the bathroom.

I saw Antonio coming out as I walked out.

"Is it okay if I shower?" I asked him, seeing him nod.

"I'm just setting my stuff up- is it cool if I bring in a few things while you're showering?" He asked, making me narrow my eyes to him.

"You can't wait?" I asked.

And that's when I noticed his bloodshot eyes, he was high.

"Yeah- yeah I guess I can"

So I locked the door.

I cleaned the shower before getting in myself- soon realizing, we had no cold water.

That cut my shower very short.

I cleaned myself before immediately getting out, wrapping myself in a towel.

I quickly dried off, throwing my clothes on before brushing out my wet hair.

I opened the door immediately- seeing Antonio, making me jump lightly, my hand going to my chest.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I've been waiting to piss"

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