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two weeks later.

"It's just a date, it's not affecting me at all!" I yelled to my dad, who was trying to cancel plans with Sierra to make sure that I didn't feel 'ignored'.

"If you cancel the date, I swear to God I will not talk to you for the rest of the week." I spoke, seeing all the guys glance to him.

"You know she isn't bluffing" Calum mumbled lightly.

"Are you sure you'll be okay-" "Luke there's three other people that I love just as much as you here- nothing is going to change from now until the point you get home, now tuck in your shirt and put your shoes on." I spoke firmly to him, but keeping on a smile.

He smiled, slowly tucking his shirt in as he walked away

"That attitude was unexpected."

"She gets it from her dad." Ashton snorted back to him, sending me a wink.

Soon my dad returned downstairs, ruffling his hair slowly.

"Okay, are the boots bad? I bought them impulsively because I've been wanting to change up my style, but now I'm a little nervous, because they're a little bold" he mumbled, making myself and Calum look to his whole outfit.

An off white button up, black jeans and gold boots.

I raised my eyebrows, a little shocked at the sudden change in appearance

I mean- three weeks ago he was wearing nothing but black boots, converse or vans, so this was a total switch up

"I- I like it a lot" I laughed to him, seeing him instantly smile.

"You're not just saying it because I'm already wearing them, right?" He asked me quickly.

"No bro, they're sick" Calum complemented him with me.

"I like the wardrobe change, it's a nice look" I nodded in approval, shocked at how well the outfit actually came together.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that" he smiled, grabbing his keys.

"Get a jacket!" Ashton yelled as he moved to hug me.

"I'm not cold-" "but she will be, I assure you" Ashton grinned, making him quickly grab a jacket before pulling me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead.

"Call me if you need anything at all, I love you bunches" he spoke.

"I will, have fun." I spoke to him with a smile.

Each of the guys yelled out their 'good lucks' right until he walked out the door.

We all looked to each other once we watched him pull out the driveway.

"Ready?" I smiled to them.

"Let's go"

Ashton drove us to a Halloween store, where we all bought wigs and changed into clothes that my dad wouldn't recognize us in.

"We're so stupid" I laughed, looking at myself through the car window as I adjusted my sweatpants with Calum right beside me, adjusting a beard that he had on with a smile.

"But this is so fucking fun."

And by the grace of God, we got into the restaurant that we knew they were in, which luckily wasn't too nice considering what we were wearing.

And to make it even better, we were in the perfect view of where we could spot them, but they can't see us.

"See anything?" Michael asked as I sipped a lemonade- looking to the menu.

"Skylar- we're supposed to be spying, not having a nice meal!" Ashton lightly scolded, making me instantly look up- making direct eye contact with my dad.

I watched his eyebrows move together as I looked away.

"Abort" I spoke quickly, hitting Calum to make him slide out the booth.

"What happ-" "abort" I repeated desperately trying to make everyone move.

"Oh shit- she's right, he's coming our way- about" michael spoke making Ashton throw a handful of money on the table, us all trying to run out the building, but just as I got to the door, I felt my wrist get grabbed.

I turned, clearing my throat.

"What the fuck are you doing" my dad laughed out, glancing to my outfit.

"I don't know who you are-" "Skylar, you are not in disguise, you're wearing a wig and my t-shirt" he laughed quickly.

"Excuse me sir, why are you touching my daughter?" Ashton came in with a deep voice, making him instantly start laughing harder.

"Did you guys do drugs as soon as I left- what the actual fuck is going on" he laughed so hard I thought he was about to cry.

"I think you're the one on drugs, hands off" Ashton kept the deep voice, shaking my dads hand off of my wrist, holding me tightly.

"Enjoy your night sir" Ashton cleared his throat as we turned around, almost sprinting out the building, getting into the car, which was full of laughter and tears.

"That's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time" I laughed out.

We ended up getting Chipotle, eating in our disguises before going home, still laughing over  how stupid we all looked.

After taking many mirror selfies- we ended up all on the couch, waiting on dad to come home and talk about his date

I leaned on Ashton's shoulder as Michael put on Netflix for all of us

"I love you guys" I exhaled to them, feeling Michaels head hit my shoulder gently, him throwing his own blanket over me

"We love you too, Sky- thank you for giving us such an entertaining life"

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