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I saw the panic run through her pale face as Calum asked her to take her hoodie off, himself barely touching it.

Before anyone could assure her that he wasn't going to hurt her- she was almost running from them, trying to get out the main door, herself starting to hyperventilate as she paced, holding her head.

"Guys- get out." I spoke sternly, knowing she was putting herself under too much stress, especially if she thought she was already going to pass out.

They surprisingly listened

"Skylar" I spoke calmly, seeing her look to me- her face full of emotions that I couldn't even read.

"It's just me and you- no boys, let's take this off" I mumbled to her, touching her hoodie.

I slowly assisted her in getting it off- seeing hickeys scattered across her stomach, chest and collarbones.

But I didn't react.

Her skin was sweaty and clammy to the touch, making me know- she was either running a fever or close to passing out.

She I hugged her.

I held her tightly, just giving her someone to hold.

We ended up sinking to our knees together- her arms wrapped under mine, her grip not willing to let go- mine not willing to let go either.

I'd sit here all day and night if I could just simply know that she was okay- that she didn't feel alone and trapped.


I listened to her heartbeat, not giving a fuck that I had just met this woman.

She stroked my hair slowly, just holding me.

Then I heard the door open.

"It's just your dad" she spoke calmly as I tried to glance to see who entered.

"Hi baby" my dad spoke calmly, squatting with us as I looked to him.

"I got you a shirt and sweatpants, but put whatever you want on, okay? I'll be outside with the guys-" "don't leave me."


"Don't leave me" her voice cracked, making me look to Sierra, who nodded to me slowly

"Okay, I'm not leaving" I told her, wanting nothing but to have her comfortable.

The guys had told me she had a little breakdown, wanting everyone to leave- no guys to touch her, which hurt the guys, but yet they completely understood.

We would deal with this for months, and we knew that.

With Sierra's assistance, we slipped the shirt over her head, watching her put her arms through it.

I turned away as she changed into the sweatpants, feeling her gently grab my arm once she was done.

"We can go home and watch movies?" She asked me slowly.

"Of course" I spoke, opening the door, watching her walk to Michael.

"This is weird because I'm an attending and you're an intern, and I swear I'm certainly not trying to hit on you right now, but can I get your phone number- just in case she has a breakdown and needs a girl to talk to or even just needs to talk?" I asked Sierra, not wanting her to get the wrong message and think that I'm a creep who doesn't care that my daughter is struggling.

"Of course"

She jotted numbers onto a sticky note, handing it to me

"I'll keep you guys in my prayers." She whispered.

"Thank you- for everything" I exhaled slowly.

And we went home- waiting on the police department to call and tell me what steps we have to take next.

But we put her as all of our priorities.

We all cooked for her, played whatever movie she suggested, offered to go ride around or go walk or do anything- anything that she wanted, we would do.

I could see the tiredness written on her face.

I knew she had to have been up almost all night, but she never mentioned being tired.

"Can I shower?" She asked randomly during a movie, making everyone look to her.

"Of course- you know you don't have to ask" I spoke to her, watching her nod.

She stood, leaving the room, making us all look to each other

"My poor baby"

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