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I woke up feeling even worse.

I whined out, clicking my phone and seeing that it was five in the morning.

I was in too much fucking pain, and I knew that.

I couldn't even take more medicines yet.

So I drug myself to the bathroom- getting the hottest water that I could and I forced myself to sit in a bath.

These cramps where no joke.

I was even hurting into my back.

After about an hour I got out, throwing on shorts and a big t-shirt.

Then I got a text from Dad

Morning princess, I think you'll sleep in today, but I hope you have a great day. Call me when you wake up, I'll have access to my phone all day, I love you.

So I FaceTimed him.

He immediately picked up, appearing to be walking outside.

"Why are you awake so early?" He asked- seeming genuinely excited to talk to me.

But he was met with my crying.

"Daddy" I sobbed out, holding my lower stomach- seeing his eyes widen.

"What's wrong, Skylar?" His voice became laced with concern.

"There's something wrong, I'm cramping really bad- it's into my back too, I think it's going to make me throw up." I cried out to him, wanting nothing but to beg him to come home and make me feel better.

"Call Jack" I heard him say to someone beside him.

"You're still bleeding?" He asked me.

"It's light, but my pain is bad" I told him through tears.

"What medicines have you taken- what have you done?" He asked.

"I took Midole the first time you called and I slept with cooling rags but woke up about an hour ago and took a bath, but I think it's getting worse" I told him, watching Ashton come into view just as my door opened- revealing Jack and Ben.

"I think I'm gonna throw up" I announced- making Jack run to the bathroom, grabbing the trash can, dropping it in front of me as I tried my best to hold down the throw up that I felt In my throat, but I knew I would end up failing.

"Luke, what do I do?" Jack asked as Ben held me, rubbing my back.

"Take her to the hospital- I'm going to see what I can do to come home." Jack and Ben didn't hesitate.

Jack held me in the backseat as Ben drove.

"I think she has a fever" jack mumbled.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Jack carried my crying body into the hospital, Ben immediately speaking to the receptionist.

"She's having bad period cramps, it's not normal and this is also her second period this month, we think something is going on." Ben spoke at a quick pace.

I watched the lady look to each of us.

"Have you tried Midole or Tylenol?" She cocked an attitude- immediately pissing off Jack.

"Of course we did, we aren't dumbasses- help her now!" Jack yelled to her.

"Okay, fill these papers out, take a seat and I'll get a doctor to you guys as soon as one is open."

Jesus Christ have mercy.


We sat here for forty minutes.

I had given her more Tylenol
We had water bottles under her shirt
She was almost sweating- crying harder than I've ever seen the kid cry- begging us to help her, but we couldn't.

Soon I saw a lady in scrubs come in, and I noticed that she was focused to Skylar intently.

She soon was walking towards us.

"Skylar?" The woman questioned, making the three of us perk up instantly.

"Sierra, help me" Skylar spoke quickly as Sierra's hand hit her forehead.

"You have a fever- come on- you aren't supposed to be waiting." He spoke, making each of us stand, I lifted Skylar- knowing it was bad.

It hurt for her to walk- and she never announced that, but we could tell.

"What are you doing, she's assigned to Doctor Marcante-" "Shes a critical patient now, she's assigned to my case with Doctor Irwin-" "Doctor Irwin isn't in." The receptionist spoke quickly, her attitude more than noticeable.

The girl laughed lightly

"I promise you- he will be soon, this is Doctor Hemmings' daughter- she should've never been kept waiting, especially with the way she looks and feels- I'll make sure he knows of this." She spoke before pace walking away, making us follow.

She brought us straight into a room.

"Lay her on the bed please" she spoke to me as nurses entered behind us.

"Page Doctor Mason- he'll be on Skylar's case until Doctor Irwin can step in." She took control, putting monitors on Skylar, all of her vitals appearing on a screen.

"What's going on, talk to me." Sierra spoke, sitting beside her.

"I started my period for the second time this month and my cramps are so bad Sierra- it even hurts into my back, I think I'm dying" she cried to her.

"You're not dying, but we are going to figure out what's going on."

Soon a doctor ran in.

"What's the status?" The doctor asked.

"She's on her second menstrual cycle this month- she awoke to grade ten cramps in her lower stomach and back- she's also recently went through sexual assault, but no rape." She spoke to him as he nodded at all the information.

"She's got a fever and her blood pressure is high, let's get an IV in and get both of those down" he spoke quickly, making Sierra grab a few things.

"I'm sure Doctor Irwin will be arriving soon to take this case-" "Doctor Irwin is coming back here for this case?" He asked her.

"Sir, this is Doctor Hemmings, head of the cardiology department's daughter- all four head surgeons will likely be returning today." She spoke as he snapped on gloves.

"Okay Little Hemmings, I'm going to just touch your tummy okay, you just tell me if you feel too much pain" he spoke to her nicely, going to lift her shirt.

"No- no- Sierra, don't let him touch me" she went into a full frantic moment, holding his hands away from her.

Everyone in the room was trying to talk to her.

"No, he's going to hurt me just like Antonio- I was my dad, please bring me my dad"

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