Sherlock can't be wrong

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"Hello, Mycroft. Mr. Holmes, I am so glad you are here. I am Mr. Joseph Carter. Ah, you must the famous Dr. John Watson. My kids love your work." Mr. Carter smiled.

"That's odd." Sherlock kind of said to himself. I noticed what he is talking about. Carter is right handed.

"Please help, Mr. Hol—"

"Is your daughter home ?" Sherlock interrupted.

"Sorry ?" Joseph asked.

"Your daughter. Don't you have a daughter ?"

"No. I have two sons. Brothers, you see." Joseph smiled.

"That's even worse." Sherlock whispered and I saw Mycroft rolling his eyes.

"But why do you ask ?" Joseph asked.

"There was pink coat on the sofa outside. The size of it and it's design must be of a woman. It can't be of your wife cause it will be too loud for your wife—"

"Sherl—" I tried to interrupt him but he continued.

"You are a very uptight man. Man with principles. Bit of OCD. So you won't let your maids keep their coats on the sofa. And your maids may not have that kind of coat because it looks expensive. Even though it shouldn't be because the texture is disgusting. So that's why I asked." Sherlock finished.

"It might be of one of the maids', Mr. Holmes." Carter said.

"But what about the Ferrari and the graduation ceremony ?" Sherlock said pointing at a picture hunged on the wall. He looked impatient.

"The Ferrari belongs to my neice. Recently she got graduated. She looks up to me as her mentor and so I hunged her graduation certificate." He said.

Sherlock's reaction wasn not full of satisfaction.

"Mr. Holmes, you should investigate about the stolen file, not on my family." Carter looked annoyed.

"Yes, of course. So what exactly happened ?" Sherlock asked.

"It was Friday. I returned home and just like every night I checked my safe which is in my office. When I opened it, I saw all my important files except C.O.C. But the theif left a note.  I didn't say anything to anyone. I didn't want my wife to be tensed. I called Mycroft in the morning."

"Where is the note ?"

"Here." He gave us the note which on the table.

The note contained hieroglyphics. So now we have to find someone who knows hieroglyphics.

"How protected the safe was ?"

"The safe could only be opened with my fingerprint."

"Which finger ?"


"Around what time did you notice ?"

"10 p.m."

"Mycroft, increase surveillance in other generals' houses." He said.

"Already done."

"I don't think you would face any sort of danger now. The theif got what he wanted. But still increase your security. Can I talk to your wife and children ?"

"My wife is here but my children have gone to visit their grandparents. If you come on tuesday, you will get to talk with them."

"Okay then. We will talk to your wife but first take us to your office." Sherlock said and we went to his office.

The safe was inside the table which is  present in the office.

"Do you have dogs ? Golden Retriever, perhaps ?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes. One golden retriever. But how—"

"I saw dog's fur on your clothes, your maid's and here too. But more on your's."

"Yes. I am very close to Vicky." Joseph smiled.

"Is anyone in the house left handed ?" Sherlock asked.

"No one. But, if one of the maids—"

"No, I am asking about any one of the family members."

"None at all."

"Fine." Sherlock said.

"Shall I call my wife ?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, please." I said.

We were waiting in his office and soon Mrs. Carter came.

She was a woman in her 50s. She looked tired maybe because of the burglary. Too much to take in.

"How was the horse riding, Mrs. Carter ?" Sherlock asked.

"How did you—"

"Well, there is some horse's hairs just beside your knee. You had quite a exercise due to the hustle so you are breathing quite fast. And your identity card of the horse riding club is peeking from your handbag." Sherlock said.

"Impressive !" Joseph exclaimed.

"Well, Mrs. Carter tell us everything you did on the day of the burglary." Sherlock said.

"I woke up around 7:30 am. I woke my kids up. I had to take my kids to their grandparents. I finished my breakfast and took my kids to their grandparents on my way to work. All day long I was working. Then around 7 pm on my way coming home, I went to the grocery store and came home around 9 pm. Jo didn't say anything because he didn't want me to worry. In the morning after breakfast he told me."

"Where do you work ?" I asked.

"Cassini Graphics. I am a graphics designer." She smiled.

"Okay then. We will come again. Maybe on tuesday to talk to your boys." Sherlock said and we left.

It was 11:30 pm when we reached Baker Street. I was so tired. We both were hungry. Sherlock said he has told Mrs. Hudson to make something.

I opened the door to find Ana sleeping on Sherlock's chair.

"Oh my god ! Today is really the worst day of my life. Ms. Williams, get up !" Sherlock shouted. Ana literally jumped from her sleep.

"Sherlock, she is sleeping. Stop shouting !" I said.

"It's okay, John. He really doesn't know how to behave like a gentleman." Ana woke up and was smiling faintly.

"What are you doing here ?" Sherlock gritted his teeth.

"You know you don't have to be a dick all the time. I made you guys food. It's in the casserole. I can't believe you called an old woman at 11 pm to make you food. Are you fucking dumb ? Idiot ? Arsehole ? She was so tired and I was too. But being a nice woman and a better person than Sherlock Holmes, I made you guys something for dinner. So goodbye John. Bye, jerk." She smiled at Sherlock and slammed the door loud enough to startle us both.

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