Everyone loves Ana

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The police searched the entire house and got burned ashes of paper.

"It's definitely paperkite. Oh this case is too simple but it's long. A tiring one. They know how much I love mysteries but they are making it too long. Three generals are down. The other will be down soon."

"We got to stop that." I said.

"No need for that. Let them get stolen."

"Are you high, Sherlock ?"

"I wanna be."

I just glared at him. What's going on in his head ?

The body was sent to the morgue. The evidences were taken to Scotland Yard. Sherlock will have them soon. But not now. We were now on our way to Baker Street.

"Hello, boys." Mrs. Hudson greeted us.

"Hello. Is Rosie and Ana here ?" I asked.

"Yes. And Sherlock ? You got another a letter. It came in the morning. I wasn't here." She handed us the letter.

"Yes !! Come on, Watson."

We sat on the chairs. The letter had name.

Ralph Spencer.

"Jimmy Valentine ?" I said.

"Are these people crazy about literature ?"

"Hello, I made tea and croissants. These croissants' recipe is the only thing my Ma taught me." Ana entered. The delicious scent of the croissants made my mouth water.

"We are busy here with our case, Ms. Williams. No one cares about your dumb croissants ! Get lost !" Sherlock said in disgust.

Ana looked really hurt. Her glossy eyes were enough to tell me that Sherlock crossed his limit. She ran downstairs with the tray.

"Ana, please wait ! Sherlock, what is wrong with you ?? Can't you just stop being so heartless for one godamned second ?" I shouted.

We heard Mrs. Hudson shouting Ana's name multiple times and And shouting," Leave me alone" and heard the door slamming.

"Sherlock !! What have you done to that poor girl ?" Mrs. Hudson came running.

"Where did Ana go ? She looked really angry." Rosie also came.

"She is gonna be back soon, dear. She had a important thing to do." I assured Rosie.

"John, why do you care about her so much anyway ?" Sherlock nagged.

"Because she is a good person. Yes she is my daughter's nanny but I don't care about people because I want something in return. Why can't you be nice ?"

"Okay, fine. I'll apologize to her when she'll come home." Sherlock said.

"I'll call her." I said and called her on her phone.

"Hey Ana, listen -"

"Look, John. Please don't worry. I came to my place. I'll come there tomorrow. Just take Rosie to school. I just need some time. I am not giving up. I have been around bullies for a long time. And Sherlock's remarks just got me today. Don't worry about me. Just give the phone to Rosie for a minute." I did what she said.

"Ana, please come back !" Rosie pleaded.

"Okay." Rosie said nodding her head.

"Tomorrow ?"

"Bye then. Goodnight." Rosie smiled and gave me the phone. Then she went downstairs with Mrs. Hudson.

"Is she a witch ? How did she do that ?" Sherlock asked.

"Maybe, it's because she is good with kids and is familiar with human emotions ?" I told him.


In the morning, Mycroft called Sherlock and said another general's file was stolen. Arther Campbell.

"Sherlock, I have to drop Rosie to school. You go to Mr. Campbell with Lestrade. He'll be here in a minute."

"Nah. I'll go with you. We'll go their together."

Rosie looked down today. I know why. Sherlock also noticed that.

"Rosie, you don't wanna go to school ?" Sherlock asked her.

"I want to."

"Then why are you looking so sad ?" I asked.

"I miss Ana."

"She'll be back soon." Sherlock said looking out of the bus.

"Daddy ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Will you marry Ana ?"

"What ?" Sherlock and I both said at the same time.

I laughed.

"Why do you ask this question ?" I smiled.

"After wedding, people stay together. If you marry Ana, she will stay with us forever." She smiled.

"But I can't. Because I don't love her and she is my good friend. If you don't love someone with all your heart, you should not marry that person." I explained to her.

"Uncle Lock can marry her, right ?" She looked at Sherlock and said.

"Well, I don't love her, Rosie." Sherlock said.

" But why ? She is so beautiful. Like an angel." Her eyes sparkled when she was talking about Ana. She really loves her a lot. Ana even gave her a locket which she wears all the time.

"But I don't like her. And look we are here." Sherlock said and we all got out the bus.

Rosie kissed us goodbye and left. In front of the school, we met Rosie's class teacher, Naomi. I know her. She is a very nice person. She helped Rosie a lot. Naomi always helped Rose. She always encouraged her.

"Hello, John. Hello, Mr. Holmes." She greeted.


"Where is Ana ?" She asked.

"She had something. She'll be back." Sherlock said.

"I love Ana. She is so nice. She is such a nice influence on Rosie. The other day, she was telling me that the stories like Snow White, Cinderella, Little Mermaid never influence little girls to be themselves. She told me that she told Rosie different types of stories about women empowerment and self love. That's really nice. Even I was talking to our Principal that the text books should exclude less fairy tales and more stories based on lives  of inspirational people." She said.

"She is the best." I smiled. Sherlock just stayed silent.

We took a cab and were going straight to Campbell's.

"Rosie is right." I said.

"What ?"

"Ana and you will make a good couple."

"John, we are not talking about this matter."

"Sherlock, what's wrong with her ? You are always mean to her. She gets on your nerves because she is bit straight forward. She just does it out of fun. You always say bad things to her. Yesterday, you just crossed the line."

"I told you I'll apologize. But why are you so concerned ? Are you in love with her or something ?"

"No. Because she is a good person and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that."

"Fine. I'll behave nicely around her. Happy ?"


After sometime, I called him.

"What, John?" He was so annoyed.

"Ana and you would make cute babies."

"JOHN !!!"

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