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We were waiting outside the operation theater. Lestrade was in another room. Sherlock was kind of restless. For the first time, someone else knew more about his case. Someone else will untie the knots of the case. It was new to me, too.

"Anyone wants some tea or coffee ?" I suggested.

"Shut up." Sherlock said.

"I'd like some." Alicia got up.

"I'll go with you." Mycroft said.

I have one word to say.


They left and I looked at Sherlock. He looked at me and we both started laughing.

"I wanna see how this will work." I said.

Before Sherlock could answer, the doctor came outside and said," She is out of danger now. You can meet her after few minutes when the nurse will tell you. She is asleep now."

Lestrade came to us few minutes later. He looked fine. There was bandage on his right hand.

"How are you feeling now ?" Sherlock asked him.

"Good. How is she doing ?"

"She is asleep now. The nurse will tell us as soon as she is awake." I said.

"Okay. Scotland Yard is calling me nonstop. I really have to talk to her fast."

"Get in line, Lestrade." Sherlock said.

Mycroft and Alicia returned soon and the nurse informed us Ana was awake.

"Hello everyone." She waved at us a little and smiled.

"How are you doing, hon ?" Alicia went closer to her and held her hand.

"Awesome. You know the nurse told me she will give me yogurt later. How amazing is that, huh ?" She laughed.

"We have to talk now." Sherlock said.

"Yeah. Sorry. What do you wanna know ?"

"I checked your bio multiple times but nothing suspicious came out. Why ?" Sherlock asked.

"All my details were never on anything. I am a spy. The bio you found out is all clean. Josephine helped me in that area. She is pretty much a tech guru."

"Is you name really Ana Williams ?"

"Yes. And whatever I said about my family is true."

"What's with you and Smallwood ?"

"Smallwood and I knew each for a very long time. In the C.O.C. program, I was working under Smallwood. What many don't know is under five generals there were five spies. Smallwood handled the Malaysian one. Walterman. You can say Walterman was kind of her enemy. Like what you had with Moriarty."

"How did Smallwood contact you if you were out of reach ?"

"Alice and I have a long history. I saved her daughter's life multiple times. Yes. Nobody knows how to contact me except Alice and my step brother. And it's a very confidential information."

"So you won't tell us ?" I asked her.


"What about the messages ? Ganymade ? Ralph D. Spencer ?" I asked.

"Walterman siblings got to know that someone from inside was trying to crack the case. They specifically wanted only me to work on this case. First he thought it was the new guy whom Mrs. Hudson went out. They could have simply told us but they wanted to make things more complicated. Rosalind disguised herself as Ganymede. Jimmy Valentine disguised himself as Ralph D. Spencer. Different alter egos." Sherlock answered instead.

"They also sent many other messages with names like Celia, Olivia, and many other characters. But I hid them." Ana said.

"How ?" I asked.

"In the name of taking newspapers in the morning. Mrs. Hudson stopped giving us newspapers because Ms. Williams took it instead." Sherlock said.

"Well, you seemed to figure out everything, Mr. Holmes." Ana smiled. "By the way did you find anything suspicious about Frank ?"

"Worked at MI6". Sherlock said.

"He was actually spying on you, Mr. Holmes. Do you know who appointmented him ? Do you want to say that name loud ?"

Sherlock looked at her for a moment then at Mycroft.

"Irene Adler." The moment Sherlock said that name, the expression on Mycroft's face changed and he looked at me.

"Well, that's awkward." Lestrade said.

Suddenly we heard Molly shouting," WHERE IS HE ? OH MY GOD ! YOU !!" She entered and walked faster towards Lestrade.

Lestrade ?

"Why are you so careless ? I am gonna go crazy ?" She shouted at him.

"Sorry." Lestrade tried to make a puppy face. She then smiled and hugged him.

What the hell is going on ?

"Are you guys dating ?" I asked. I looked at Sherlock. He didn't look surprised.

"We were keeping it a secret but not anymore." Lestrade smiled.

"But judging Sherlock's expression, I can't say we fooled him." Molly smiled.

"It's pretty much impossible." I said.

"Lestrade one. Sherlock zero." Ana whispered loud enough to be heard. All of us cracked up except Sherlock who just glared at her.

"How are you feeling, Ana ?" Molly asked her.

"Thriving. By the way, after all this let's go somewhere. I am so done with this case." Ana yawned.

"About that, Ms. Williams. The government is very pleased with your work. You saved a very confidential information. So, we are offering you a place inside the government. We can talk about that in private." Mycroft told Ana.

"I will think about it. What do you think Alice ?" Ana asked.

"I think you should take the offer. For many reasons. But think about it yourself first."

Ana nodded.

"Maybe we should go. She should rest now." Smallwood suggested.

"Yes, of course." I nodded.

"I have something to say to Ms. Williams." Mycroft said.

"We can talk in your office about the offer." Ana said.

"Not that."

"Then what ?" Sherlock asked.

"About something." Mycroft said.

"Then I am staying." Sherlock sat down again. Mycroft glared at him. But Sherlock didn't move a bit.

"Fine. Ms. Williams, I want to thank you for saving my life. I know that bullet would have got me if you didn't jump." Mycroft stated.

"I will not say it was my duty because it hurt like a bitch. But you are welcome. You are a nice guy, Mr. Holmes." Ana smiled.

Mycroft also smiled and left.

"Goodbye Ana. It was nice knowing you." I said.

"Hey ! Don't talk like it's a goodbye. I am still gonna live with you guys." She said.

"Of course." I laughed.

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