Smallwood Down

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"So, Mrs. Carter was really horse riding and the people said that she was looking very stressed and tired which is normal when a confidential document is stolen from your house." I said to Sherlock.

He nodded.

We were checking the alibis given by people. We were walking on the Devonshire Street when I noticed Sherlock wasn't paying attention and he was about to get hit by a bicycle.

"Sherlock !" I pulled Sherlock towards me.

"Watch out, idiot !" The woman shouted who was on the bicycle and went off.

"Huh ?" Sherlock looked at me.

"Sherlock, what are you doing ? Pay attention to where you are going. You are not a child. Rosie can walk better than you." I yelled.

"Ganymede, Watson. Why Ganymede ? What did Ganymede do ?" He shouted in the middle of the street and people looked at him. It's so hard to go out in the public with him.

"Sherlock, let's think about that later. Let's go to Lady Smallwood's house." I suggested.

"Excellent, John. Great suggestion. We have to solve this case. My brain will surely clear out all the doubts while solving this case. Taxi !" He called.

We reached outside the Smallwood Mansion. There were a lot of cars outside.

"My brother is here. That means-"

"The file is stolen." I finished.

The security guard didn't stop us because he knew who we are.

We entered the living room and saw Mycroft and many people in suits. There was Lady Smallwood and two other young woman. When they saw us, they looked surprised and relieved.

"Sherlock, we were just about to call you." Mycroft said.

"Be faster, Mycroft. Isn't the diet working ?"

For the first time, Mycroft looked nervous and embarrassed and he stammered when he said shut up.

"Thank God. You are here. Mr. Holmes, the file got stolen around noon. I got a call from my maid around 12 o'clock. The safe has a facelock. I don't know how it happened." Smallwood looked really distressed.

"Hello, I am Daisy Smallwood, her daughter. And this is my fiancee, Josephine." Daisy smiled.

"When did your mother call ?"

"Around 12:15 maybe. Then I called Jo and I came home. Jo came minutes later too."

"Okay. Take us to the safe." Sherlock said.

"Sherlock seems so calm like a human. What happened ?" Mycroft whispered to me.

"I'll tell you later." I nodded.

Lady Smallwood took us to the safe which is in her bedroom. The safe was in her wadrobe.

"Was there a note or a message ?" I asked.

"No." Jo said.

"What do you people think of Ganymede ?" Sherlock asked. I know what he was doing. When he is confused about something, he takes other people's suggestions.

"What ?" All of them said at once.

"You know, from As You Like It by Shakespeare." I said.

"Sherlock, I don't think this is important for the case." Mycroft said.

"How do you know ?" Sherlock asked.

"Sherlock. Stop it." I said.

"Mycroft, Ganymade is important in that case. You just-"

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