Sherlock can't give up

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"It's impossible to stop them."  Mr.Campbell was sitting on the couch. He looked down on the floor.

"Where is your dog ?" Sherlock asked.

"In my daughter's room maybe. But how do you know that ?"

"Let's not focus about that. Who smokes in your family ?"

"My brother does."

"The one who was talking to the police outside ?"


Unlike others, Campbell kept the file in the drawer of the bedside table. He told us he used to keep it inside a safe but when he heard about the burglary, he decided to keep it close to him.

Sherlock looked bored. Why is he bored ?

We talked to the daughter, Elizabeth.

"Day before yesterday my violin teacher didn't feel good so I had no violin class at home. So I went to visit my best friend. I came home this morning and heard what happened." She said.

"For how long this dog is here ?" Sherlock asked.

"Around seven years. Paula is very nice dog." She patted the dog.

Sherlock came downstairs looking all down. Mycroft noticed that and said," Want to give up, brother mine ?"


Mycroft looked surprised and I felt like I am in my biggest nightmare. Sherlock Holmes saying he wants to give up ? This is not for real.

"Sherlock, it's fine. Take your time. This case is a tricky one." I assured him.

"No, Watson. This case is unsolvable. I know we are gonna get to know tomorrow that the last general's file is also stolen. These people are utterly genius. Watson, I just can't anymore." Sherlock looked at me and winked in a way only Mycroft and I saw.

I know what he is doing. So I joined him too.

"Yeah, maybe you are right."

"Mr. Holmes, don't lose hope. You are gonna solve it. I know. You are the only one." Mr. Campbell said. He sounded so helpless.

"Gentlemen, why don't you go home and think about it ?" Mycroft smiled.


"So what is exactly going on inside your head ?" I asked Sherlock sitting on my chair.

"Deductions, my dear Watson. All of them are lying."

"Who ?"

"The generals. When I met the first one, Joseph Carter, he was hiding the truth. It's impossible to steal the document like that. And can you believe that these people had access to his house just like that. Their security was doubled. Anybody entering their houses were searched thoroughly. Then, the twins. Do you know Carter's father is a retired army officer ? The kids stayed with him coincidentally during the time of burglary. He was threatened. So he sent the kids away."

"So the files were never stolen ?"

"No, John. They are safe with the generals. Not for long maybe. These people are smart. Have you noticed their behaviours ? Yes, they looked nervous. But losing such an important file should give more anxiety than ever. Again, Evans was killed."

"But Sherlock, how were they threatened ? And why was there thread of a kite outside Evan's house ?"

"Good observation, John. I knew something was off with Carter but when I met Smallwood, I knew they were all threatened. If I had asked them, their security would have been compromised. But how were they threatened ? So I asked Mycroft to help me in that. He extracted an useful information. Addition of a new maid in each of the general's households two months ago except Evans'. These maids kept an eye on them for those people. When the time came, they each showed their true colors to the generals. They can't say anything because they are always watching."

"But why kill Evans ?" I asked.

"I think they wanted to kill all of the Generals. But all of them had kids and family. Except Evans. Killing him wouldn't have been a big problem."

"So what now ?"

"Tomorrow, the last file will be stolen. We will withdraw ourselves from the case. We are gonna see what they are gonna do. They are gonna go crazy." Sherlock laughed.

"Daddy !!! Daddy !!" Rosie entered the room.

"Hello, darling!" I lifted her and kissed her cheeks. Then I saw Ana entering the room. She faintly smiled at me.

"Daddy, I got a present."

"From whom ?"

"A man from our school."

"She won't tell me. She said she have to show the gift to you guys." Ana said. Sherlock looked at her.

"Let me see then." I said.

Rosie took out the present. It was wrapped with a bow on top.

"Is he your teacher ?" Ana asked.

"No. But he works in the office room if our school."

"Do you know his name ?"

"I asked him. He said his name is Lucifer."

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