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"I am not sure if we are going to get something from the kids. They weren't even present there." I said eating my lunch.

"But we should." He said.

Ana has come back from dropping Rose to school and now she was folding her clothes.

"What about that note ?" I said.

"About that. I thought it's 11:11. But it can't be. It's not exactly eleven alphabets. Is it a verse from Bible ? 11:12 ?" He said.

"Can I see the note ?" Ana asked.

"No." Sherlock said.

"Sherlock, I think she can see it. You always say it's good to see an object from someone else's point of view." I told him.

"Fine." He took out the note and handed her.

"It's first given a shape of 11:11 but there are twelve alphabets in the last line. Again there is this line just above the last line that starts with P. So it could be 1 Peter 1:12. John, check it on internet." She said.

I looked it up online and saw—

"It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things."

"But what does it mean ?" I asked.

"It means that the angels are always aware of what is happening on the earth even if they are not here." Ana stated.

I looked at her.

"Grandma and I used to go to the church a lot." She explained."So someone is watching you guys ?"

"Not just one. Many." I said.

"Is the note for you or the Carter's family ?" She asked.

"If it's for the Carters, we have to protect them and if it's for us, then we have to be extra cautious." Sherlock said.

"We should go meet the Carter kids. Come on, Sherlock. And thank you, Ana." I smiled.

"You're welcome." She smiled too.

Sherlock as usual didn't thank her and just left.

"I am sorry about him. He is —"

"A high functioning sociopath. I know. He doesn't care. It's in his nature." She shouted loudly for Sherlock to hear.

I nodded.

We took a taxi and reached our destination.

"Hello, gentlemen. My sons are very excited to meet you." Mr. Carter smiled. The boys were in the living room. We sat in front of them. They were really happy and excited.

"Hello boys. I am John Watson and this is Sherlock Holmes." I said.

"Hello sir. I am David Carter."

"And I am Stephen Carter." The other said.

"Do you know why are you here ?" Sherlock asked.

"Daddy's important file was stolen by someone. But we weren't here." David said.

"Daddy sent us to Grandpa's." Stephen said."We enjoyed there a lot. He had a gun. A real one."

"Really ?" I said.

"Yes. He was a police too." David said.

"Do you read Bible ?" Sherlock asked.

"We haven't read it yet. But we will, later on." Stephen smiled.

We didn't get anything from them further. We were thinking about going back to home but Daisy called us that a letter has been sent to them which is for Sherlock. So we went there.

"Here is the letter." Daisy gave us the letter.

Dear Sherlock,

                    Don't you think the angels look up in their sleep ?
                                              Your Friend,

" What is this person's obsession with angels ?" I asked.

"He or she is playing a game with us. Oh Watson ! This case is gonna be so memorable. Oh the thrill ! The adrenaline rush, Watson ! The game is still on but with different players." Sherlock shouted with happiness. Here we go, again.

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