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" I wish you cared a little more "

" I wish you cared a little more "

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I was back at my desk, working away, just doing anything to stop myself from thinking about last night, when my eyes flickered up to see Connor standing beside Hank's desk. He seemed to be inspecting everything about Hank's personal belongings, he checked the headphones, his pinboard, etc.

I decided to go say hi.

Standing from my desk, I quickly straightened myself up, wiped my eyes, and made sure my hair wasn't a mess before approaching Connor. Putting a smile on my face, his eyes met mine and I saw his lips twitch upwards.

"Hey there, stranger," I greeted, earning a small wave in response.

"Hello, detective," he replied formally. Pausing for a beat, his eyes flickered over to Hank's desk. "You haven't heard from Lieutenant Anderson, have you?"

I sighed, shaking my head, my mind went back to where I left my phone. On the counter at home, I hadn't even had the chance to go back and get it. "No. I haven't been home all night, I left my phone there. I wouldn't know if he tried to call." Connor's brows furrowed towards me, his face showing confusion, he turned his body to face me and his head tilted sideways.

"Why weren't you home?"

I sighed. "I um..." I started, trying to think of a way to explain what happened last night without bursting into tears again. "A friend of mine was in the hospital, I was just making sure he was okay."

"Oh," he said, eyes moving away from me. As if he was uncomfortable with this conversation. "I'm sorry," he added and I quickly regained my smile, straightening myself up, I shook my head.

"It's alright, you didn't know."

We looked to the right. There was Hank, late as usual, walking in like he had just rolled out of bed, and we both sent a smile towards him. "It's good to see you again, Lieutenant," Connor greeted happily, only to receive a groan from Hank.

"Uh, Jesus," he sighed. That's when Fowler stepped out of his office, his eyes on the three of us.

"Hank! Tessa! In my office."

We both rolled our eyes. "What the fuck does he want now?" I muttered, earning a glance off of Hank and Connor, my eyes shifted towards them for a second. "You'll understand when you see Gavin," I mumbled, walking away from the two, Hank followed close behind and we both sat at his desk while Connor stood quietly by the door.

Fowler stared at his computer. "I've got ten new cases on my desk involving androids every day," he explained. "We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap, but now, we're getting reports of assaults — and even homicides, like that guy last night." Fowler paused and Hank and I shared a glance, anybody with two eyes could tell that Hank wasn't happy with where this conversation was headed. "This isn't just Cyberlife's problem anymore. It's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan. I want you two to investigate these cases and see if there's any link."

"Why me?" Hank interjected, seeming incredibly offended that Fowler would ask him to do such a thing. "Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit? I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case. I know jack shit about androids, Jeffery! I can barely change the settings on my own phone!"

"Despite the fact that I taught you how to do that weeks ago?" I interrupted, making Hank send me a glare.

"Not the time, Tess," he hissed at me, i just rolled my eyes.

"Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation," Fowler began to argue, but Hank just snapped and stood from his seat.

"Bullshit!" He exclaimed. "The truth is: nobody wants to investigate these fucking androids and you left me holding the bag!"

"Cyberlife sent over this android to help with the investigation, it's a state-of-the-art prototype, it'll act as your partner — along with Tess here —"

"No fucking way! I don't need another partner, Tess is perfectly fine, and I especially don't need this plastic prick!" Hank interrupted, getting up in Fowler's face, which just made Fowler scowl up at Hank, and I had just heard enough from the both of them.

"Hank, for fucks sake! Just do what Fowler says, it's not like you have to be nice to Connor!" I exclaimed, making Hank look back at me, he sighed and started pacing the floor. "You just have to deal with him until the investigation is over! Get your head outta your ass and just deal with it!"

Both of them stared at me, as if they've never seen me angry before, Hank sat back down in his seat and Fowler looked towards me.

"Thank you, Tessa."

I sighed, leaning back in my chair, Hank gave a moments pause to think about his next words. It was clear he was just trying to get out of this situation because he didn't like androids, I didn't understand why he couldn't just do his job and get it over with.

"Jeffery, Jesus Christ, why are you doing this to me?" He said, lowering his voice slightly, and leaning closer to Fowler's desk even though Fowler's eyes were clearly looking at his computer — paying no attention to Hank. "You know how much I hate these fucking things, why you doing this to me?"

"Listen," Fowler started, his voice full of anger, and his face clearly showing annoyance but somehow he still managed to sound calm. "I've had just about enough of your bitching, I'm sure Tess has heard enough of it, too, so either you do your job or you hand in your badge. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do."

Hank left the office, slamming the door on his way out, Connor and I stared for a moment as he sat down at his desk before we both turned to leave. I was the first one to leave, approaching Hank's desk where he had his head in his hands, I sat on the chair beside his desk and barely received a glance.

"You okay, Hank?" I asked, no response. I was about to ask something else when I spotted Connor walk into the break room, being approached by Gavin. I sighed shallowly. "Shit."

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