𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞.

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i met a prince from a far away planet
not too long ago.

his dandelion hair was overgrown
falling in ringlets over his eyes,
the bright green of his clothing
no match for the shine in his soul.

i found him sitting alone on the moon
pants smudged with luminous dust,
chalk against grass.

he was gloomily drawing a picture of a hat.
when i told him i liked it
his spirit seemed to sink even more
it's a snake that swallowed an elephant
he told me sadly.

i apologized and he lit up
with a child-like eagerness
i most certainly do not have.
he was curious, though
so much like myself.

he owned a little airplane
and said he was becoming a pilot;
his dream?
to fly over the earth, and to dip so low
he could brush the treetops with his fingertips.

he hoped to soar over oceans
and feel the spray of saltwater
against his face,
and see the way light reflects off the waves
(they must shine like your helmet, he told me)

promise me something, if you're on earth.


he really wants to see sunsets, for he says they're best to watch when sad.

promise me that if you meet this little prince,
then you'll take him by the hand and show him all the best sunsets

— until he can enjoy them when happy, too

— until he can enjoy them when happy, too

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