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one day i awoke to
wide eyes peering down at me.

i had fallen asleep on mars
as its redness filled me with a warmth
that reminded me of the burn of fire.

i was startled
and scrambled up to my feet,
wiping the dust off my helmet.

i spent my whole life preparing for this moment.

hello! my name is day. it's nice to meet you!

her skin was the color of pluto,
eyes as dark as space.
she was bundled up in a metallic gray suit,

she smiled with pointy teeth.
greetings. my name is KT.

she told me that the little prince had
pointed her in my direction
as he said i was looking for a friend.
(he was right).

she had spotted him soaring
over the ocean in his little red airplane,
and had seen him watch the sunset,
with a human by his side.
(thank you for finding him.)

i like your name,
i told her
and her eyes brightened.
she told me she had chosen it
because it was popular on earth.

she seemed to love the earth
just as much as me.

i asked her if day was a popular name as well,
but she wasn't quite sure.

i asked her to tell me about the earth.
i hoped it was as beautiful as i imagined.

oh, it was wonderful
she told me.

she spoke of rushing waterfalls
and gleaming lakes
(ones that aren't filled with methane
and ethane, like on titan.)

she told me of mountainous regions
and forests so thick the plants tangled
together in a net of green.

she spoke of tiny streams
that filled the air with music
and sunrises that painted the sky
with streaks of
lavender, rose, and peach.

did you love it?
i asked.

she paused for a moment, hm.

i loved it, but i don't know if i would go back.
it was beautiful, but the humans...
they didn't notice me at all.
i was hoping they'd want to
show me their planet
but they were just too busy.

i was curious,
what were they doing?

KT thought for a second,
they were too busy thinking of the future.
humans are like that.

i frowned
but we're not in the future,
we're in the present.

i know,
KT replied sadly,
but it seems to be the only thing
they think about. the future.

dear adventurers. dear readers.
take a moment to look up at the sky.

now think of how many people
are doing the same,
searching for clouds or constellations.

think of shooting stars
and the glow of a comet's tail.

think of the moon,
and how she watches over you.

think of the sun, and how she glows,
only for you.

think of the stars you
wished upon when you were little
(they always remember wishes).

think of the times you were filled with joy
because you saw the red pinpoint that is mars.

think of all the awe-inspiring things
happening in the present.

— the future will come eventually.

KT= Katie

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KT= Katie

wandering amongst the stars// the lost astronaut.Where stories live. Discover now