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The day I meet him was the day I will always regret. I was in the forest just drawing everything that brought courageous my way. Then as I was walking home he kidnaps me. Well his goons kidnaps me under his command. There in the room I see his eye first while waking up form the drugs his goons covered my mouth with a cloth soak in those drugs. At first I was courageous then I was scared when I noticed where I was. I backed up closer to the head board as possible until he was called out of the room. I got up to check the door and he locked it. I then check the windows and all the doors, but all of them that lead to a way out were locked. I tried throwing things at the windows, but they are shatter proof. So I grabbed a Bobby pins from my hair and tried to unlock the door, but once I managed to unlock it he was standing outside the door in the hallway. He stops in his tracks looking at me and he looked pissed, so I came up with a lie. Saying I am starving, thirsty, and feel sticky wanting to take a shower. He relaxes at that a bit, but then he nods at me to follow him. I follow him mapping where we are going in my mind to help me escape when I get another chance. He brings me to the kitchen and opens the fridge saying he had some people go shopping, but he did not know what I would of like to eat so they got the basics. I looked inside the fridge and grab some baby carrots, ranch, and tomatoes. I put them on a plate and sat down to eat. All the time I was eating he was staring at me like he was sizing me up or something. At times I got a glimpse of him looking at me completely I could see his eye change a bit. Which meant one thing, he is a supernatural being. I do not know which one since there are so many, but I hope he is not a vampire. If I was going to die at the hands of my supernatural being kidnapper I rather it not be a vampire that will drink my blood. Just the though of fangs piercing my neck makes me shiver. After eating I washed my dishes and he guides me back to my room. There was a uncomfortable silence on the way there, but when his hands slips to my low back to help guided me a get a weird pleasurable shiver that goes to between my legs. I looked at him to see if he felt it too, but when I looked up at him I tripped on a rug that was by a door. I waited for the hard impact, but it did not come. Instead I felt those same shivers running to my core. His touch was cold, but at the same time comforting. He looks into my eyes and when a lady coughs what seemed like we were in a trance was broken by her cough. He helps me up and then she guides me to my room while he stands there for another second looking at me then heads off to somewhere else. The lady looks to be about 90 years old. Her face as cold stone and emotionless as looking at a rock. Her hand is also cold, but is not comforting as my kidnapper's. Her hand makes me want to run away and I guess she knows that because she grips onto my arm tighter. It was painful, but I am not going to give her that satisfaction of knowing it. Once in my room she locks the door and I look outside to see a full moon. There are so many trees that I can not keep trace how many I have counted, but as I was hoping I was starting to fall asleep. I got into bed think about why I am here and why was my kidnapper's hand was cold yet comforting, but not the lady's hand. Soon I fell asleep only waking a bit to hear his voice.

"Amore mio, amico mio, vorrei che non avessi paura di me. Ti mostrerò che non sono come gli altri. E mi dispiace davvero per come ti abbiamo rapito, ma non posso vivere senza di te. A domani amore mio, buonanotte. (My love, my mate, I wish you would not be afraid of me. I will show you that I am not like others. And I am truly sorry for how we kidnapped you, but I can not live without you. Until tomorrow my love, goodnight.)" He says in such a soft whisper.

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