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Tae sat on the unfamiliar bed and tried to make himself as comfortable as possible. It was an odd feeling, to call a place "home" but to be severely unaccustomed to living there. It troubled him that as soon as he got used to living with his family, he had to leave. As an idol, he had more bodyguards than friends. Undoubtedly, he was tired and he knew the faint feeling in his limbs quite well. He enjoyed the quiet and the love surrounding him. As evening came over the household, he held his phone close and smiled at it from time to time as he typed fast.

Jungkook: All in all, it was a fun day! I wish you could have been here. You'd have laughed.
Tae: hah! I'm laughing now, does that count?
Tae: I wish I could be there too...
Tae: or you here
Jungkook: ...yeah, it counts... just that I am not there to see it.
Tae: I could send you a picture. hah!
Jungkook: YES! I'll add it to my ever-growing collection.

Tae raised his phone to take a selfie and in a second, a picture of a large, silly smile appeared on the screen. He giggled at his own face and sent the photo to Jungkook, knowing perfectly well that it will make the maknae chuckle.
The message was sent and received but Tae got no response. The conversation went silent. Although he did see Jungkook typing and most likely deleting his sentence, no reply came through. He waited. Probably the maknae was thinking of some clever way to tease him, as it happened often, and Tae didn't mind. However, a few minutes passed without any type of answer, not even an emoji, nothing. Tae threw his phone on the bed and picked it back up unsatisfied.

Tae: Kookie? all ok?

Jungkook: ...yeah.

Somehow, the entire atmosphere of the room changed. It felt like Tae needed to move again because the room was unwelcoming all of a sudden. Jungkook's reply made Tae shift in his bed, his heart heavy. He felt the need to press forward. He wanted to understand what had transpired.

Tae: what's wrong?
Jungkook: could you send me another photo?
Tae: of me?
Jungkook: yes, please.

Tae opened his camera app again and he snapped a couple of photos of his silly smile, hoping that it would help mend whatever gloom set between their instant messages. About four of the photos he took were funny but for the last one, his smile dropped. He brought his hand up to his face, touching his lips lightly. He closed his eyes slightly and tilted his head to the side. He liked the way he looked when he was serious, mysterious. His expression was inviting and extremely cold, soft but frozen. Tae parted his lips, caressing them with his long fingers, no jewelry adorning them. He pressed "Send" before he could allow himself to reconsider.
He wrote:

Tae: Better?
Jungkook: I have reached the conclusion that I want to get a car and come see you.
Tae: :) Don't be silly.
Tae: We'll see each other soon. And your car outside my house is not a good idea.
Jungkook: But would you have liked me to come to you?
Tae: Not a good idea, Kookie.

Tae's heart started rushing, adrenaline pumping in his veins. Management and the band warned them against that type of behavior. Even if the car was a rental, it would have been too risky if it could eventually be linked to Jungkook. He needed to talk the maknae out of this potentially catastrophic scenario. It was unfair that they couldn't afford a simple meet up but he also knew how grateful they both should be for all the things they received and had access to as members of BTS. His phone buzzed again.

Jungkook: I know. Would you have liked it?
Tae: I would have.
Tae: Please do not do anything stupid, Kookie.
Jungkook: For you, Tae?
Jungkook: I would...
Tae: I know....
Jungkook: I really just want to be with you
Jungkook: there
Tae: I want you
Tae: here

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