White Light

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Thursday morning at the Big Hit Office found Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Shingyu, Kim Sejin, Bang Si Hyuk and 3 lawyers at the same conference table. The meeting was arranged shortly before Sejin received RM's phone call as BTS arrived back at the dorm on Sunday evening from their cabin trip. When the main manager contacted Bang PD, his eyes were still watery and his heart was still giddy.

"They want to sign... Namjoon just called." He said as his voice betrayed all the emotions he tried to hide.

"...I know. He called me as well." Bang PD spoke slowly on the other end. "Tomorrow morning, come straight to my office, we need to prepare for a meeting to discuss terms and conditions..." He said but Sejin knew him long enough to know that he was happy.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to be with them further." Sejin broke down. "I won't leave them. Count on me."

The conversation led to the scheduling of various meetings with the boys, their individual managers and a bunch of lawyers. Thursday was the day Jungkook and Tae needed to be present together. Everybody suspected why they were going into it together. Namjoon had also been invited as the leader of BTS but no agenda was made available, not even for internal use.

The subject was treated with professionalism and an ounce of delicacy since nobody really wanted to question the boys' feelings. Of course, things got heated here and there but it was only normal when trying to agree to certain terms, everybody throwing in their opinions. What annoyed Jungkook the most were two questions asked by one of the lawyers: "Don't you want to also date girls? What if you'll regret it? You are so young." Jungkook actually rolled his eyes and scoffed out loud.

The lawyer sensed that he pushed the discussion in a terrible point so he tried to soften the blow. "An idol's life is stressful. We understand. It was only natural that you got so close, with the dating ban and all..." he tried to explain but only managed to make matters worse as both boys sighed in frustration. Those words were exactly what they didn't want to hear. "I mean.... Umm... you are both very good looking men, all gussied up at times, feminine traits accentuated. It makes sense...that you... you know... hormones and..." He continued and Jungkook squeezed Tae's hand under the table because he felt like he was going to get up and punch the guy, consequences be damned.

Tae leaned in, lowering his torso over the table and using his hand to move a strand of hair out of his eyes. The fleshly dyed black hair glistered under his fingers. He let his hand fall on the table, caressing it lightly as he spoke in a low voice as if invoking some dark divinity. He was spell-binding.

"Do you think I look attractive, sir? Am I beautiful?" he asked with a grin and his tongue appeared through his parted lips to slowly caress them.

The lawyer thought the situation was saved because Tae was smiling. "Yes, you do... you are." He said merrily and without noticing the big alarm sign in front of him.

"And does that mean you want to have sex with me?" Tae asked sharply, his eyes cutting deep as the room began protesting at his remark. Even Jungkook held his breath for a second as his thumb began circling soft patterns on Tae's hand underneath the table, trying to make him loosen up again.

"Taehyung..." Namjoon whispered. "Sorry, sir... but just to imply something like that is hugely offensive." He said as he straightened his back. He noticed how the boys were holding hands too tightly under the table and that Jungkook has restlessly bouncing his foot in annoyance. Neither were good signs.

Tae rolled his eyes and looked at PD Bang. "I'm sorry but if this was a thing we did to pass the time at night, blow off steam or because we think the other one looks hot, then really... we could have done it behind a closed door. If this is going to be the discussion then this meeting is pointless." He said respectfully but he reverted to the cold, unapproachable Taehyung which could ignore the world collapsing around him with maximum disinterest.

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