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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | Court happenings

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | Court happenings

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{ Joffrey }


𝕵offrey led Lyra through the walled gardens, which were buzzing with bees and other small insects, whilst birds circled around above their heads. Elia pranced around in front of them, pouncing on random things in the grass. They reached the ivy clad pavilion, which had become their place to meet.

Letting go of his betrothed's hand, Joffrey pulled her chair out for her, before slumping in his own to watch the ships pass by in the harbor.

A small hand slipped into his own, as Joffrey glanced over at Lyra from the corner of his eyes, watching as the girl relaxed in her seat, the tension leaving her body

"How are you feeling?" Joffrey clicked the joints in his shoulder, before settling back down again.

"Better," Lyra hummed at his answer, an eyebrow cocked in his direction. "And that is the truth."

"I believe you," Joffrey smiled, as Lyra squeezed his hand gently. They fell back into a comfortable silence once more, before footsteps caused Joffrey to tense up and stand. Tylar, Lyra's guard appeared, looking out of breath.

"My Lady," He caught sight of Joffrey and bowed, before turning back to Lyra. "Your sister was called to the throne room by the Queen Regent."

Lyra was on her feet instantaneously, her smile dropping as a glare grew on her face.

"How long ago did this happen?"

"Fifteen minutes," Tylar began, as Lyra started to walk off, Joffrey quickly catching up. "I was out of the room momentarily, because someone else needed my assistance, when I came back I thought she was still in her room. It was only now, when Arah told me that Sansa wasn't there due to a request by the Queen Regent, that I got worried and came for you."

Joffrey grabbed Lyra's arm before she could walk out of the walled garden, his face tight with rage.

"Lyra, let me handle this," Lyra huffed. "My mother can't do anything against me, but she can to you. Please."

Lyra nodded, as Joffrey led them back into the main courtyard of the keep, through multiple corridors until they reached the throne room. The guards recognized the king immediately, even if he was without his crown, opening the doors.

Joffrey tightened his grip on the Stark girl next to him, shooting her a pointed look as the scene came into view. Lyra's sister was kneeling on the floor, the back of her dress ripped open as Ser Meryn Trant stood above her, his arm raised.

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