11. La Push, Baby!

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For the first time in Magnolia's life, she was happy to be at school. Bella had picked her up this morning, like normal, and talked about how awful school was without her. They had parked further down the lot than usual, Magnolia noticing Bella's hard glare as they passed Edward's silver Volvo. "Uh, Bells?" Bella parked a death grip on the steering wheel. "You might wanna be careful, don't know how much strength that old wheel can take."

Bella, wide-eyed, look over at Magnolia and blushed. She slowly took her hands off and placed them on her lap. "Sorry, Maggie. I'm just a little...on edge, today."

Magnolia smiled, understanding Bella's recent frustrations with Edward. "It's cool, Bells. We all have that kind of day. Let's just get to class and try not to ruin that shiny paint job of his, okay?" Both girls laughed as they got out of the truck.

They parted ways when the first bell rang, and Magnolia leisurely walked down the halls to her American history class. Small butterflies flew around her stomach at the excitement of seeing Jasper again; she'd missed him more than she'd like to admit to herself.

She walked in, her eyes were immediately drawn to his frame. His skin seemed to glow under the terrible classroom lighting, but what really stood out was the prominent smile plastered on his face, causing his eyes to crinkle in a way Magnolia found adorable.

Suddenly feeling very dizzy, Magnolia quickly walked to her seat and sat down. "Hi," She quickly spoke, as she took out her notebook and pencil case. "Could I see your notes from yesterday?" She asked, looking up at him. A blush appeared across her cheeks as she noticed how intense is stare was, but then she realized where he was looking.

Of course, he could see her bandage underneath her hair, his eyesight was better than any human by far. "What happened?" He asked seriously, as he handed the notes to Magnolia.

Starting to feel embarrassed from his stare, Magnolia moved her hair to cover the bandage more. She turned to the notes and started copying them down. "Maggie. What happened?" He pressed, whispering as the teacher started talking. They were watching a movie today.

Magnolia huffed, focusing on her paper as she spoke. "Nothing of your concern. I'm fine, Jasper. Really."

Jasper scoffed, determined to get the real answer. "There's no point in hiding it. I'll just get Edward to listen in, and he'll tell me, whether you like it or not."

A loud snap sounded. Everyone's heads turned to Magnolia, who just kept her eyes trained on her paper until they all looked away. Her hands were shaking, one holding the remains of a shattered pencil. "Why do I need to tell you? I'm fine. What more do you need to know?"

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