18. Happy Birthday, Bella!

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New. That was the only word Magnolia could use to describe this. New boyfriend, new school year, new everything. Life seemed so easy with Jasper. He made her happy, made her feel human, ironically.

The summer months went by in a flash, now school was starting again, senior year, but more importantly, it was Bella's birthday.

Magnolia fiddled with the small box in her hand, looking around the hallways anxiously. Jasper chuckled from beside her. "Stop worrying, darlin'. She'll love it." He rubbed her arm soothingly.

"I know, but I can't help it," Magnolia sighed, leaning into his chest. "Bella hates surprises and attention. I just don't want to make her feel uncomfortable."

Jasper smiled, kissing her head lightly. "Well, she'll be here in about five seconds, so it's now or never," Magnolia cursed under her breath. "Language, my love." She smacked his arm lightly.

Bella and Edward came into view and it was obvious she wasn't happy. Great, Magnolia thought. Edward's already put her in a bad mood. "Morning, Bells." She said as she hugged her friend. Bella was stiff as she hugged back.

"Morning, Mags." Magnolia smiled. She liked Bella's new nickname for her.

"So...I know you don't like all the birthday attention," Bella cringed. "But I wanted to give you something anyway." Magnolia handed Bella the small blue box.

Bella groaned. "Mags, you didn't. I told you no presents. You're just as bad as Renée." She tucked the box into the pocket of her raincoat.

"Bella!" In a flash, Alice had jumped over the stair railing, wedging herself in between Magnolia and Bella. "Happy birthday!" She hugged Bella, who shushed her profusely. Alice handed her a large black box.

"I thought I said no presents, Alice." Bella reprimanded. She was becoming annoyed at all the gift-giving.

Jasper stood near the back, holding Magnolia's hand as the two watched in amusement. "I've already seen you open it, and guess what? You love it!" Alice wasn't going to stand by Bella's no presents rule. "You're gonna wear it tonight, our place," Bella hesitated, looking between Magnolia and Edward desperately. "Come on, please?" Alice begged. "It'll be fun."

Magnolia nudged Jasper, smirking, but he was already one step ahead of her. He focused on Bella, easing her to the idea of the birthday party. Bella sighed. "Okay...alright."

Alice clapped happily. "Great, okay! I'll see you at seven!" She turned and skipped to Magnolia and Jasper. "Good job," She mouthed to Jasper. He nodded curtly in return. The three of them all turned to head to class.

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