13. (Soul)Mates

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Magnolia returned home no later than 9:00. Her parents had no clue she had been out all the way in Seattle with the two Cullen sisters, and that her dress wasn't one of the cheaply made ones from Port Angeles, that it was, in fact, three thousand dollars, a price she had adamantly opposed to, to which Alice used her power as a guilt tactic, "I've seen you wearing it at prom anyway, so I'm buying it for you."

Her parents welcomed her home, and her mother took her dress from her. She said goodnight — she couldn't get into her bed fast enough. Sleep overtook her fast. It was deep and dreamless.

The next few days at school, Bella was off. Really off. She wouldn't keep eye contact with anyone,  not even Magnolia — she was growing concerned for her friend. Every time she brought up the issue, Bella would always find an excuse, "I'm just tired," "I have a lot of homework," "Charlie's been stressing me out." All complete lies, Magnolia knew.

This particular morning, Magnolia had gotten a ride from her mother to school. She was standing with her regular group — Eric, Angela, Mike, Jessica — in the parking lot. She had noticed Bella was a little later than usual, with the obvious absents of her Chevy truck.

Eric was happily explaining to them what the theme was for the prom. "Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" Jessica asked in annoyance, crossing her arms in a child-like manner.

"Mm-hmm," Eric nodded curtly. "Gambling, tuxedos, and Bond. James Bond." He winked at Jessica, as he handed out flyers. Magnolia took one, eyeing its tacky bolded letters and stock photo images of champagne and bow ties.

The obnoxiously loud revving of an engine caught Magnolia's attention. She looked up, noticing Edwards silver Volvo. Then, she noticed something strange. "Oh...my...god." Angela had noticed the same thing.

Edward got out, opened the passenger's seat, and none other than Bella Swan stepped out. She smiled shyly at Magnolia as she did, and together she and Edward walked into the school, his hand protectively placed on the small of her back. "Bells?" Magnolia whispered in shock. She was dating Edward. How could this be happening? A human that close could reveal them — and her.

Jessica sharply turned to Magnolia. "Did you know about this?" She insisted.

Magnolia shook her head, still in deep thought. "No clue."

Slowly, she followed behind them, coming to a stop at Rosalie's red mustang. The first thing she noticed was a very prominent look of anger on Jasper's face — one she had never seen before. "Hey guys," They all turned to her. Jasper's face seemed to soften slightly. "What's going on between them?"

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