16. Phoenix, Arizona

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"Come on sleepyhead, we're here." The voice of Alice Cullen rang through Magnolia's ears like an unwelcome wake-up call. The sorceress groaned and opened her eyes reluctantly. She looked around, confused until she remembered the events that occurred a day prior. Bella was still in danger. She thought I was all a bad dream.

Bella and Jasper were out of the car, standing and waiting for Magnolia. She unbuckled her seatbelt and slid out. She wobbled slightly as her feet hit the ground. Alice was there to steady her. She looked around at the hotel. It was large, extremely large, but she knew the Cullen's liked their luxury. Jasper walked next to her as they entered the lobby. "Not gonna fall asleep, huh?" He chuckled.

Magnolia rubbed her eyes and groaned. "Shut up."

Alice and Jasper checked in. Magnolia didn't even remember them getting to the room. "I'm gonna make some coffee." She said, not talking to anyone in particular. Dropping her bag, she made her way to the cheap hotel coffee pot. Bella came up beside her; the look of fear hadn't left her face since the baseball game.

"You want one, Bells?" Magnolia questioned, turning away from the coffee for a moment.

Bella shook her head. "Not really. I just wanna watch."

Magnolia didn't question it. Bella was most likely trying to distract herself. Nodding, she turned back to the pot, and for ten minutes she and Bella watched the coffee being made in silence. Once it was done, Magnolia grabbed the largest cup she could find in the cabinets and poured the hot dark liquid into it.

"No cream?" Bella turned up her nose in disgust as Magnolia took a long sip.

"No," Magnolia shook her head. "I need to wake up. The cream would only dilute the caffeine." She moved over to the couch as she talked, Bella trailing slowly behind her. She sat next to Alice, who smiled kindly.

Bella yawned loudly. "If you won't have coffee, at least sleep, Bells." Magnolia looked at her friend concernedly. Bella shook her head defiantly.

"No, I'm not tired." Another yawn.

Alice got up, shaking her head. "Come on sleeping beauty, let's get you to bed."
Bella groaned but allowed Alice to take her into the bedroom.

Magnolia sighed, and took another sip of her coffee, finally taking in what had happened. "Oh no," She realized; she forgot to tell her parents. "Mom's gonna kill me," She put the coffee down and turned to Jasper, who was watching her with a blank expression. "Do you know if Carlisle told my parents about...this?"

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