29. Tears and Sorrows

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When Magnolia and Elton returned home, the yelling had stopped but that obvious tension was still hanging in the air. Her mother sat on the living couch reading a book and her father was nowhere to be seen. "Hi mom," She greeted her mother hesitantly. Elton hung behind in case things escalated.

"Magnolia," Ariana raised her head away from her book to look at her daughter. "Elton," Her face softened at the boy. "Where did you two run off to?" She patted the spots next to her on the couch, a tell to the children to sit — it wasn't a request.

"We were out with Bella, actually," Magnolia explained as she sat down. Her mother's eyes drifted her damp hair. "We got caught in the rain, so we took shelter at Bella's."

"We watched a movie," Elton added excitedly. Ariana smiled briefly at him. She was stiff and had a scowl that she couldn't seem to get rid of. Magnolia cringed — the fight must've been bad. She was sure magic had gotten involved as well. "The Shining." Elton smiled back.

"Great," Ariana's voice was tense. She turned to Magnolia. "Dear, could we talk alone? Now."Her eyes flashed a dark emerald green for a mere second, quick enough for Magnolia to notice and for Elton to not.

Magnolia turned to Elton and frowned. "Do you mind?"

Elton shook his head and patted her arm comfortingly. "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

Ariana waited until Elton was out of earshot to address her daughter. "Your father and I had an argument this morning, as you know," She began, taking one of Magnolia's hands into her own, using her as an anchor, trying to stay calm. "We...disagreed on how to handle the new vampire threat. I wanted to be civil, talk to him, but you know your father," She couldn't help the anger that slipped from her words. "He was angry, he was being irrational."

"Where is he?" Magnolia had asked the question that was on her mind since she entered the house.

Ariana sighed and shook her head, clearly disappointed. "He's taking the wolf pack out to hunt him down."

"Right now?!" Magnolia gasped. "They could get hurt! They're just children!"

"That's what I tried to tell him," Ariana huffed, the grip on her daughter's hand becoming tighter. "He just kept on repeating that Sam will help, that Sam will know what to do," She scoffed. Magnolia was beginning to panic. Her eyes darted around the living room as she racked her brain with what to do. "There's no point in trying to stop him now, dear. It's late. We can go in the morning."

Magnolia locked eyes with her and deep down, she knew that she was right. Sighing, she removed her mother's hands and stood up. "Alright. In the morning."


When first light shone through Magnolia's window, she jumped from her bed. Morning, she kept on repeating to herself as she showered, got dressed, and as she made breakfast. She was up for three hours before her mother came leisurely down the stairs. "Oh good, you made breakfast!"

Magnolia groaned quietly. "Mom, you said morning. It's eight! I was up for three hours," She reluctantly handed her mother a bowl as she stuck her hand out, staying quiet. "They could be done by now!"

Ariana sighed, taking a bite of Magnolia's oatmeal. "That's the point. I never wanted you going in the first place."

"Mom, are you serious!?" The ceramic bowl was crushed in Magnolia's hands. The sudden burst of anger caused her magic to flare up. Blue flames erupted from one hand, the other called on another power — one Magnolia was yet to unlock. The faucet of the kitchen sink burst, causing water to shoot into the air. The latter hand moved on its own accord, shaping the water until it resembled a spear of sorts. Her eyes shone a bright blue as she stared her mother down, snarling.

Ariana couldn't seem to find the words as she stared in awe. The power her little girl held was unimaginable and wonderful at the same time. "Magnolia...look," She pointed to the water spear. Magnolia's eyes snapped to the sink and her eyes widened. The water dropped, extinguishing the flame of her other hand. "I am so-"

"Don't. Don't say you're proud of me, not after you might've gotten Paul and Jacob killed." Magnolia was breathing heavily. Giving her mother one last look, she stomped off to the stairs, where she stormed past Elton and straight up to her bedroom. She slammed the door, heaving. She'd never felt anger so strong — it scared her, more than she'd care to admit. Grabbing her phone, she dialled the first number that came to mind and she was ashamed. She listened to it ring eight times until that familiar, pixie-like voice sounded through the answering machine.

"You've reached Alice Cullen. Sorry I missed your call. Leave your message after the beep."

A small tear ran down Magnolia's cheek. She missed Alice, she missed her so much. "Hi, Alice...I didn't know who to call and your number came to mind. I didn't really have anything planned to say. I just wanted to hear your voice. Have a nice life, tell the others I say hi." She angrily tossed the phone to her bed. She could've called anyone — Billy, Charlie, Bella, even her dad. Yet it was Alice, who came to mind. Sighing, Magnolia sat on the edge of her bed.

She held her head in her hands as she allowed all the pent up anxiety, frustration, and anger out. Hot tears streamed down her face as all of her thoughts and feelings shoved themselves at her. Emotion overwhelmed her, it overflowed. Her head shot up at the sound of a knock. "Maggie? Can I come in?" Elton sounded concerned.

"Sure," Magnolia croaked, her throat dry. Elton stepped in cautiously, but his face fell as soon as he caught sight of her. "Don't look at me like that." She spat.

Elton ignored her harshness. He sat on the edge of her bed alongside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You can cry on my shoulder. Shirts make a great tissue." He made a joke, hoping to lighten her mood.

Magnolia rolled her eyes and cracked a small smile. "Idiot," She mumbled as she leaned her face on his shoulder. The tears soon followed.

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