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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

"Earth to Mrs. Kim"? The CEO raised his eyebrow in confusion.

I tried to gather myself together because my legs were not listening to me. "Ah...yes. Hello". I muttered. All the confidence and strength I had before I entered the room was left in the lobby behind his doors.

"Thank you for being on time for your interview. Have a seat". He gestured his hand towards the couches that were a couple of steps down from his desk. I nodded and made my was to one of the couches. The CEO sat adjunct from me with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap.

"So let's go over the basic introductions. My name is Dylan Chase. I am the CEO of The Chase. Our motto is to chase after the best details to make our stories worth it". The corners of his lips raised up a bit as he let out a small smirk.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Jasmine Kim. I am fairly new to this country although three years does not sound like it. I would like to learn and pick up great skills from working here". I made sure to keep my gaze mostly down.

"Well nice to meet you Mrs. Kim. Would it be alright if I call you Jasmine? You can call me Dylan. Everyone in this company goes by first name basis. Do not worry about work hierarchy".

I nodded slowly.

"So based on tour resume, you have had some administrative experience but that was back in Korea. How would you apply those skills here". He leaned forward as he was anticipating a rewarding answer.

"From my experience, I would like to hone my communication skills through talking to my co-workers and reporting to you. Also, I'm great at organizing and filing. My planner would usually be pretty organized and I get the job done". After every other sentence, I glanced over towards Dylan, who was gazing at me intensely with his ember-colored eyes.

"That is great to hear". He continue to gaze at me. "Well a tip top secretary is what I need and you seem perfect for it. How would you like to start hour job right now"? He rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and leaned his forehead against his fingers. He gave me a smile but it did not seem as genuine as I thought it would be. There is something odd about his face. I'm not sure if it's the fact that he is stiff or isn't as concerned.

"Of course!" I jumped in my seat out of happiness. I finally have a job after three years!

"Perfect! One last question before we end our interview. What is your opinion about windows..." He got up , placed his hand on the table that rests between our couches and leans in towards my left ear. "Because you can find fascinating things when you look through them. Am I right"? He breathed out another smirk.

That breath and those words sent a chill down my spine. I really thought he did not notice and now I'm here trapped in a corner. I don't know if I should admit I had no idea what was going on until I realized he was having pleasure fucking some girl on the window.

"Yes, windows are quite wonderful. Just like yours over there. You can see the whole Jefferson Park from here"! I let out an awkward giggle to get me out of this situation.

"Splendid". He withdrew from my personal space and made his way up to his desk. "Make yourself familiar with your desk. I will call you in about ten minutes. You may leave". He sat at his desk and resumed his paperwork.

I closed the door behind me and ran to my desk. I can't believe this day has finally come. I have my own desk and I'll be working at it. The desk is made with a marble top with a computer, a telephone next to it, a few files, pen holder, post it's, and an organizer. There is a post it on the computer that has my ID, login, and a small welcome note. I logged into the computer and browsed around. There is a file which is titled 'DChase'. I clicked on it and an excel file opened up.
Dylan Chase
Age: 34
Nationality: Norwegian and British
Education: Masters in journalism
Languages: English/Norwegian/French/Japanese
Marital Status: Single
(Clearly, I thought in my head)
Favorite Drink: Black Coffee with half and half
Favorite color: Red
Favorite clothing store: Hatchett
(Holy shit he has money)
Favorite hobby: photography
Favorite food: chicken tikka masala
(Psh typical)
Pet Peeve: hyping to local, crowded, unsanitary areas (I.e. the movies, pubs, clubs, pools)

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