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"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Dylan and I said in unison.

"I get it!" He laughed. "That's like your tenth time saying that.

We idled around at the Spring Ball which room place at the Mansion Manor. This place is massive! When you enter you see a 20 tiered chandelier with one spiral glass staircase on the side. The second floor is for the men and woman to get ready. The first floor is where the event happens. The whole place looks like it can be made out of real gold. The room where the Ball is being held kind of mimics the Ballroom in Beauty and the Beast. Well I already feel like a princess due to what Dylan bought me.

I'm wearing a dress that isn't very flow-y but it had the right amount to not make you feel uncomfortable. The top of the dressing the sleeves are net, until the chest. The net that covers the upper part of my body is bejeweled. From the nest to my hips is black velvet with some bejewels. From my hips to my ankles, where is a pattern of diamond spikes like what Tinkerbell has at the bottom of her dress. The diamond spikes is from the black velvet. The other fabric in between is green chiffon. I can ace as a forest queen. Along with the dress I am wearing black heels from Balenciaga, a forest green bejeweled round clutch from Chanel, and the same earrings I accepted from Dylan from last time. My make up can be close to what people in the Black Swan has but very subtle. I really do not like dramatic make up. This time, I'm wearing green contacts, to make my identity more mysterious.

We started the event by greeting all the guests. My co-workers even came fancy dresses. I was so pleased to see them! They came to enjoy the event rather than work during it. I hugged my new family and continued to carry on with Dylan. There were many familiar faces from the British Fashion Week. Many men came with their wives but there were also a few solos.  Many of the guests entered the main floor to claim their reserved tables and right after went upstairs to fix themselves.

I wouldn't lie, upstairs is luxurious. You enter a room and see a wall filled with body mirrors with a small vanity table next to each mirror. The rooms are long ovals, so you can get a 360 view. The walls are painted black with golden lining and there are so many lighting options, the room is never dim. Aside from the lighting on the walls and the chandelier, the mirrors have lights on it's borders and you have the option to change the light settings. Perfect to take different types of pictures.

There are two rooms for people to fix themselves. The other to room right next to them are the bathrooms. The bathrooms are spectacular rooms themselves. When you enter, there is a corner for sofas and a table for guests to relax. Further in are three mirrors and three sinks that work automatically. The middle of the bathroom has a small water fountain for design. There are five stalls against the wall. Each stall has an electric toilet which comes with a installed duvet. The entire bathroom has a Jade green/gold theme. Anyone can literally pass out in the bathroom and not have an uncomfortable night.

We went to every table as everyone began to settle down and have our greetings once again. Dylan did all the small talk as I did all the smiling. People who recognize me form the last event wanted to get to know me more because all Dylan told them was how we met.

"Her name is Kimberly. She is a gem that I only wish to keep". Dylan chuckled as he placed his hand on mine, which was wrapped around his muscular arm.

The men would chuckle as the women giggle. Some of the elder guests would comment, 'how nice it is to be young' and be a bit envious while reminiscing their old days together. The newer couples would laugh in agreement because their years together just started as well. For the people who hav never seen me before, Dylan would give them a very brief story on how we met and changed the topic to business.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 25th Annual Spring Ball!" The MC announced.

Everyone clapped and did their own little cheer.

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