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"You seem to be just as devious as her". I mumbled under my breath as I handed him the signed contract.

"I apologize if it seems that way Jasmine." He took the signed contract and swapped it with his. "I would like for you to read it in detail. I know you were rushed and I apologize for that. If you want any amendments, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am literally only a couple of doors away." He opened his mysterious drawer and put the papers away.

I turned around and walked towards the door to exit his office. However, I was not able to completely complete the action. Midway, I stopped in my tracks.
"Why me...?" I whispered.

"What was that Jasmine"?

"Why did you choose me? Even to threaten the job you have chosen me for?" I whispered. I couldnt manage to bring my voice up because of how terrified I was.

"Everyone else in the office leaves from work right when its their time to do so. I have seen how you are, you spend a good 10-15 minutes checking if everything has been done and then you leave. You are very observant and I believe I can trust you. Also, it is less suspicious to be about my secretary than any other worker when we are off site. I know this shocked you and youre still recovering from it. I did not mean to threaten you whatsoever. I also know Kate. She will not give up until she is satisfied. Right now she wants me back and that is not going to happen. So please, help me on this and you will benefit a lot from it." His voice wasnt cold as usual. It had some sentiment that pushed his voice across the room to reach me. I couldnt say no to his explanation. I just cant. He is logical as always and he is my boss.

"Okay..." was all I was able to get out before I left the room. As I closed the door behind me, I manage to see from the corner of my eyes, Dylan in distress. He massaged his forehead with his fingers as his eyebrows furrowed closer and closer. I guess he couldnt believe he made such a hasty deal either.

The rest of the day went by really fast. Dylan had to step out for an impromptu meeting at the conference room, so my job was basically answering phone calls for the next few hours. I couldnt get the situation out of my head. He smirked like he was so confident but afterwards, he was in distress. I guess he didnt want me to reject him and lose up the offer. I wonder if he got into big trouble with her. Im sure he couldve found better solutions but I guess he knows what he is doing since he chose this particular solution.

I went home with a heavy head. A lot of things ran through my mind and I tried to keep it down by listening to music on my way home. I went straight to my bedroom and locked the door. Luckily, Ethan was not home yet. I plopped myself down on my bed and threw my bag and the envelope right next to me. I stared out the window for some relief but it did quite the opposite. Across from my window is Dylan's window. Currently, nothing but darkness is visible through his window but the scene from the other night replayed in my head. The scene where Dylan was having vigorous sex with Kate. I knew that woman looked familiar but I did not want to dig through my memory to resurface that moment.

I looked away and began informing the envelope to have a close read at the contract.

Relationship Contract

Party A: Dylan Chase

Party B: Jasmine Kim

The purpose of this contract is to comply with each other to reach Party A's goal: to get Kate completely out of the picture and end her revenge.

1. During the duration of the contract, Party A and B are not allowed to disclose this information to anyone. This contract is confidential and both parties should do their part to make sure it stays confidential. If Party B breaks this rule with inclusion to any other clauses listed below, Party B would have to step down from her job and pay a fine of £ 50,000 to Party A. If Party A happens to break this rule along with any of the clauses listed below, Party A would have to relocate to another headquarters and pay Party B £100,000.

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