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Am I dead?

As I slowly opened my eyes, white lights flashed my eyes.

Is this heaven?

I blinked a few more times very slowly since I had no strength to do anything.

"Jasmine?" I heard a faint, deep voice in the background.

Dylan? Dylan died too? Kate got to him too? No way! He shouldnt be with me right now!


Dylan...no! I started to panic. He shouldnt be dead! Why do I hear him!?

"Jasmine!" The voice sounded louder.

What is going on? I felt something on my hand. For some reason, I am not able to see what it was. I really wanted to get up but my body felt really heavy. If this is heaven, why cant I move freely?

My eyes started to feel heavy again. No...dont knock out...Dylan...


"She is now in stable condition. Give her some time to wake up." A woman stated. Her footsteps went from loud to faint.

Was that an angel? Was an angel taking care of me?

I slowly opened my eyes once again. This time, I was able to see what was in front of me. There were strips of light with a red star-shaped balloon on the right. I glanced around to see where exactly this place is. On my right is a pale baby blue curtain and on my right is a window with bright light entering in. I felt something right wrapped around my head, multiple band aids around my body, a few shots on my arms, finger clip to monitor me, and a large bandage wrapped around my right leg. I tilted my head a bit more and saw a man resting by my waist. Dylan?

"D-D-Dy-D..." I tried to vocalize but my raspy whisper was all that came out. I manage to move my fingers a bit, which startled the man next to me. His body jolted since he went from slumber to wake.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Jasmine?" A familiar voice called out to me. The man had a suit on, a very familiar suit. I stared at him a bit more to register who that is. It was my own husband, Ethan. "Jasmine, are you alright!?" He jumped out of his seat and placed his hand on my cheek.

I nodded. "Where...is...Dylan...?" I whispered.

"He stepped out to talk to the doctor. I'll go get him." Ethan got up and frantically ran off to get Dylan.

What exactly happened that night? The last I remember was entering the bathroom, exchanging a few words with Kate and then getting into a hair fight. I cant seem to remember anything past that. The harder I try, the worse my headache gets. Its even more of a mystery why I am in the hospital.

Ethan entered my view with Dylan following after. Both of them seemed breathless as they ran into the room.

"Oh my god, Jasmine. Are you alright?" Dylan had a very tired yet concerned expression on his face.

I nodded. "Ethan, can you get me something to drink? Make sure you ask the nurses before you get it. Thanks."

Ethan did a slight nod before he embarked on an adventure to the nurse's desk.

"Can you please tell me what happened? Why am I in the hospital?" I whispered.

"The doctor said you shouldnt talk too much. Since you are asking me that question, I assume you do not remember what happened that day, right?" He sighed as I nodded. "Alright. Do you remember going upstairs to begin our plan with Kate?" I nodded. "Thats all I know up until everyone found Kate and you in an unexpected place." He placed his hands on his face in distress.

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