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"Well aren't I blessed to see you two together?" An annoying voice interjected into our table's conversation.

I glanced over my shoulder and nearly wanted to throw up. "Well don't surprise me like that. I was about to throw up my food." I mumbled. I looked over at Dylan, who started a facade to keep Kate's suspicions at bay.

"Well Kate, pleasure seeing you here." He stated over-enthusiastically. I can tell he was ready to get real sarcastic with her.

"Well, I couldnt miss out on such an important event! Its also the silver year for this party. Why not enter with a bam right!?" She giggled.

I really wanted to turn around and punch her in the stomach because the fact that she is hovering directly above me is extremely annoying.

"Well, I will be off to mingle with people of significance. Catch you guys later!" She ran off with her 5 inch pencil heels.

"I don't think we sent her an invitation." One of my co-workers murmured.

"We didn't. She thought since she is my girlfriend, she gets priority access. Sorry, WAS my girlfriend." Dylan took a sip of his water.

"Should we do anything about that sir?" Another coworker suggested.

"No. Don't worry about it. As long as she doesn't cause a havoc, we should be fine." He smiled.

I was able to tell on my co-workers' faces that they weren't used to Dylan smiling. The women were wooed by him and the men were awed. I let out a small giggle which lead to Dylan looking at me with a confused face.

"You should smile more often. It pleases the crowd." I gently pushed his arm.

He gave me a 'yeah right' face and continued to finish his dinner.

Once everyone finished their dinner, the MC redirected us to his attention.  "Alright, now that everyone has a full stomach and loosened up their bodies with the dance moves they broke out a while ago, let's have some fun with some games!" He shouted. Everyone clapped and waved in excitement. "So the first game we will be playing is musical chairs! Everyone please stand up and allow the staff to set the game up from you!" He clapped along with us.

The servers pushed the tables to the side and brought the chairs to the middle of the floor. The MC asked those who want to participate in the game to come up on stage, so the servers can bring the right amount of chairs. About 20 people out of 200 talked up to the stage. I guess there will be a lot of cheering with a mesh of names during the game.

I tapped on Dylan's shoulder and nodded as a motion of starting our plan. I headed to the bathroom upstairs. The glass stairs were a bit frightening to walk on because every step I took felt like another step towards falling to the floor. Once I reached the bathroom, I found Kate sitting on one of the sofas, checking out her nails. I let out a small scoff as I head towards one of the sinks.

"Well that was a pleasant greeting you gave me." Kate hummed.

"Do you practically live in the bathroom? Why is it that I always encounter you in one?" I muttered. I glanced at the mirror to see if I have anything to fix up.

"That's very kind of you. Honestly I wouldn't mind living in this bathroom. It's so lavish!" Kate got up and walked over towards me. "Darling, regardless of how much you try fixing..." She leaned in closer, "it doesn't fix what's inside of you, you petty little whore!" She hissed.

"Well I wasn't even going to go there you fucking ugly bitch, but who bought your outfits? Well you aren't with Dylan anymore so you don't use his money. Last I heard, you have some debt to clean up, you poor leech." I rolled my eyes.

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