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What the fuck happened? I grabbed my hair as I sunk down to the floor in my own bedroom.
I entered the house to the sight of my husband in his natural habitat in the living room. Without saying a word or making any eye contact, I ran into my room. I knew my husband can care less about me so I know he wouldnt walk in and ask out of concern why my behavior is atypical.
I sit on the floor with my hair being a mess like a madwoman. Im trying to process what happened 15 minutes ago.

Dylan pulled me right on top of him and happen to place my lips on his. I glanced up and found his eyes peeped open. His pupils aligned directly at me for less than a second, then rolled up and he continued to fall asleep. I tried getting up and removing my hand from his without waking him up. Once I got up he mumbled something like, 'no you go away' and chuckled. That made him look like a total creep. I tiptoed my way backwards and left the house after grabbing my coat and bag. As I ran back to my house, I sent him a text.

"Something came up. Sorry I had to leave like that. Also, you were in a peaceful sleep after reading so many papers. I'll see you at work tomorrow. -J"

He was asleep when he did that. I dont think e would remember what he did...would he?

"아이시! 짜증나! 나는 미졌어! 왜 내가 거기를갔어? 아ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ!"
(Aish! This is annoying! Im crazy! Why did I go there? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

I was on the verge of pulling my hair out. I feel like I betrayed my husband. Im in a sacred bond with him and I have kissed a stranger, twice. I dont think I will be forgiven for this...

"신이 용서 해주세요! 제발..." Tears began to fall down my cheeks.
(God, forgive me. Please...)

I hugged my knees once again to hide my face in shame. The tears wouldnt stop, they ran down my cheeks without my permission. A small leak became a silent waterfall. The waterfall ran in the dark as my body submiss into the darkness.

I open my eyes as the sunlight entered my room and hit my feet. I checked the time with my phone, 6:49 AM. I let out a sigh. I cant believe I slept like this. I placed my hand on my bed and lifted myself up. My back had subtle aches I was able to bear. However, my legs felt like they were paralyzed. I wasnt able to walk properly, So i sat up on my bed. I noticed the bed was empty. Did Ethan leave for work already? He usually doesnt get up this early though. After hitting my legs with my fists a few times, I decided to walk over to the living room with baby steps. My legs got a little better but now there are sharp aches every time I bend my knee.

After walking down the small, short hallway, I arrive at the living room with the sight of my husband passed out on the sofa with a can of beer in his hand. I am really hoping that can is empty because I really am not in the mood to clean. I went over and nudged his shoulder a bit to wake him up.

"Ethan..." I continuously nudged his shoulder. "Ethan." A few seconds later, "Ethan, lets have a baby". No response. "Ethan, Im going to divorce you." Still no response. "Ethan, Im going to throw all your beer cans away."

That got Ethan to shoot right up.

"Wow, so thats how much you love me..." I whispered.

"Mmm, what was that?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Nothing. Go take a shower and get ready. You can take your time because youre an hour early from your usual time of waking up." I got up and decided to go to the kitchen to make some pancakes. As I got up, Ethan grabbed my hand. As a reflex, I jerked my hand away from his. It reminded me of when Dylan grabbed my hand and it lead to a terrible moment. "Oh, sorry. I didnt mean to do that. Did you want something?" I asked politely.

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