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My feet feet were glued to the floor. They wouldnt move an inch. I started to panic internally while trying to keep a calm, unbothered face. Why is he in this movie theater? Our house and his workplace isnt that close from here. Why is he with another girl? Who is she? Does she work with him? Are they in a secret relationship? Why is his hands around her shoulders? Why are they giggling and whispering in each other's ear? Is my husband having an affair?

All these questions bombarded the inner peace of my mind. I was starting to feel light-headed with a slight sharp pain in my head. I didnt know what to so with the information I just saw and how to process it. Suddenly, it became really dark. Did I faint? I dont think so, Im still conscious and able to think. I took a deep breath and inhaled some oxygen infused with the smell of the woods. Dylan wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close.

"Are you alright?" Dylan asked in a very low tone. I was able to hear the vibrations of his voice through his chest. It felt oddly relaxing.

"Y-y-yes..I'm...fine." I manage to get out. "Mind if I ask why youre hugging me?" I muffled through his shirt.

Dylan let out a small laugh. "Hey, dont do that!"

" Do what?" I continued to muffle into his shirt. I guess he is slightly ticklish. Awww, thats so cute!

Dylan placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me away. His smile disappeared as he glanced over his shoulders. "They are gone. I hugged you because Ethan was looking towards our direction. I apologize for hugging you without a warning. Are you alright?" He looked very concern, like a puppy who questions and is sad because the owner is upset.

"Oh...you saw him too..." A mixture of disappointment and depression flashed throughout my body.

"Come on. Lets get you home." Dylan turned me around and we walked out of the movie theater.

As we got into his car, I couldnt help but think about the different scenarios my husband may go through with. There is a bar on the upper level. Will he have a drink with her and stay the night in a hotel? Are they going to have another date after this movie date? Are they going to kiss during the movie?

"Nothing of that sort is going to happen. So calm down." Dylan assured me as he started the car.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You look like youre in the middle of a crisis and thinking of 100 different scenarios to make it worse." He chuckled.

"Wow, you really can see through me huh? This isnt the first time you just dare to read my thoughts." I snorted back.

"Sorry, just a habit of mine. Anyways, did you enjoy the movie?" He asked as we pull out of the parking lot.

"Hell yes I did! I forgot how funny that movie was. I cant remember the last time I laughed so much while watching a movie. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are made for each other. How did you like the movie?'

"I enjoyed it very thoroughly. I didnt think this movie would be really funny. I had a great time. I saw you were having a blast and just laughing away. It was amusing to watch that too." He chuckled.

"Wow very observant of you." I retorted sarcastically. "I was surprised how well you were taking the situation to be honest."

"What situation?' He asked with a very confused face.

"You said you really didnt like public, crowded places. You were doing just fine and having a great time while we were in the movie theater. You really didnt need your excessive gloves, mask, and sunglasses." I laughed.

"I guess you were right. I had so much fun, I forgot my fear. I guess I can give it a try again, IF nothing traumatic were to happen." He stated.

"Something traumatic happened in the past?" I faced Dylan when I asked that question.

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