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I turned to see the startled expression my husband had on his face. What was even more surprising was that he didn't have the shocked expression I thought he would have.

Within milliseconds, my body landed on the floor. Dylan dropped my whole body without a warning. I made my way up as I rubbed my back because of the sharp pain that incurred from Dylan's dumb behavior. I really wanted to slap his face but who am I to do that to my boss.

Ethan unfroze, took his shoes off, and made his way to the dining table to drop his things. "So honey, kind telling me what's going on?" Ethan didn't bother making eye contact with neither of us. He just continued to settle in.

Dylan stepped forward and bright forward his hand as a gesture for a handshake, "Hello, my name is Dylan Chase. I'm actually your neighbor across the courtyard and your wife's —"

"We coincidentally met at the supermarket and he helped me bring the groceries up. I nearly slipped when I was going to the living room and Dylan saved me from falling. That is when you walked in". I frantically continued for Dylan.

"Ah...yes. That's exactly what happened". Dylan played it cool.

"Hm alright. Well nice to meet you Dylan." Ethan returned his handshake with nearly zero enthusiasm. "Honey, I'm tired. I'm going to take a shower first". He made his way to our bedroom.

"Question. How come you're home so early?" I checked the clock and noticed he was 3 hours early.

"Oh, the higher ups needed to attend along, annual meeting. So everyone else was dismissed for the day". Ethan said his story as he was grabbing his clothes from our bedroom. He then walked over to the second bathroom in our house nearest to our bedroom and instantly began showering.

I looked over at Dylan who seemed slightly bit uncomfortable but was trying his very best not to show it.

"I guess I will be taking my leave now". Dylan grabbed his grocery bags from the kitchen.

"Yes, of course". I helped him grab his bags. "Thanks for catching me as I was falling". I said as he was changing from slippers to his sneakers. "Wait I should apologize. You dropped me afterwards!" I stomped my foot to shot my anger for what he did.

Dylan laughed, waved goodbye, and left the house. Once again, the house is empty. I sat on the sofa thinking about how the day has went. I was shocked to see a different side of Dylan. At work, he is so serious and cold. He takes work very seriously as if it's his law. He doesn't give any other facial expression aside for his poker face. Outside of work, he is a dorky goofball.he is a 34 year old man who acts like a 19 year old. It's kind of cute but a bit odd comparing him side by side with his different personas. It was really fun being with him. We had some good laughs with our jokes, we opened up to each other a bit, surprisingly we shopped together, even his dog opened up to me. Honestly, it's one of the rare eventful free days I've ever had. Now...it's gotten quiet...
I rest my head on my knees when I suddenly received a text.

I had a great time with you.

I was very confused on who texted me because this number is not saved in my contacts.
Um...who is this...?

Why not take a guess?

Well today I spent my day with two men...

Whoa there. Living the adventure I see. ;)

Not like that! This must be Dylan right?

Ding ding ding. You got it right!

How did you get my number?

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