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"It took me almost a full month of begging my parents to allow this vacation to happen and your parents just say 'no'? What the hell is wrong with them?" My hand shoots out to cover his mouth, glancing around nervously to make sure no one heard

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"It took me almost a full month of begging my parents to allow this vacation to happen and your parents just say 'no'? What the hell is wrong with them?" My hand shoots out to cover his mouth, glancing around nervously to make sure no one heard. Julian rolls his eyes and pushes my hand away.

"Jules!" I hiss. "You do realize my father is two aisles over, right?" He merely chuckles, brushing a piece of his black hair behind his ears. It never went pass his shoulders, ever. And with the waves running through, his hair happened to be a major reason he had so many female numbers in his phone. Or, at least that's what Jessica Stanley had mentioned in the locker room one day before volleyball practice. Julian had flushed red when Nova and I shared that information with him. "I know it sucks. I freaking hate that you all get to spend almost all of break in sunny California while I'm stuck here rearranging the shelves. But my parents...they're so frustrating!"

It's Julian's turn to shush me. Luckily my father is currently busy with a customer and isn't paying any attention. "What exactly did they say when you asked?" He hands me a box of Tylenol to put away.

"That five 17 year olds can't spend 6 weeks in a completely different state without adult supervision." After restocking the Tylenol, I move on to the band aids, adding in the new children band aids my father had ordered.

"Did you tell them Nolan is going to be there?" Julian picks up the largest first aid kit we have and tosses it in his basket.

I stare at my friend incredulously. "Did you forget it was just eight months ago Nolan gave us those cheap beers he stole from his girlfriends fridge?" Jules ah's, nodding his head as he remembers what that night led to - Riley and Danielle making out on the porch while Julian, Nova, and I thought bringing the kiddie pool into the living room was a brilliant idea. Needless to say, all of our parents were incredibly pissed and haven't let Julian's uncle watch over us since then. "How did you manage to get the parents to let the others stay with Nolan? Cause I'm pretty sure Mr. Quinn called him a 'good for nothing idiot who can't tell his head from his ass'."

Julian laughs out loud and I can't help but join in. "He spent the last five months going to AA meetings and the three moths prior in rehab." He says once we calm down. "He's clean, and wants a fresh start. My parents trust him and the others do as well." We slowly make our way to the counter. "I just don't know why your parents are still judging him bout it."

My father appears from behind us, placing a hand on either of our shoulders. "Her parents are still judging him about it because he could have put you guys in serious danger." Julian and I jump in surprise, turning to face my dad. I smile sheepishly at him, frowning when he moves around us. "We talked about this, Line. You're not spending 6 weeks in California with no adult supervision. And no, Nolan definitely does not count. He may be 26 but he's no adult."

Groaning, I follow after him, leaning against the counter as he rings up Julian's things. "Dad, all the other parents have let it go, why can't you and mom?"

"How many times are we going to have this conversation?" Dad sighs, telling Julian his total. "I'm sorry, Caroline, but our answer is no. Now, if I remember correctly, your friends leave in the morning. You can spend tonight with them, but then you're coming home." He presses a quick kiss to my forehead then shoos us away to help another customer.


Riley and Nova Quinn were unstoppable. That's really the only word to describe what happens when the two do anything together. And since they're twins who don't like to spend much time apart, they are basically unstoppable every minute of their lives. And that is exactly what they are now as Julian, Danielle, and I team together to try and crush the twins in a game of Pictionary. But no matter how hard we try, the two still win.

"It's cause of your twin telepathy shit." Dani complains, chugging the rest of her lemonade. "That's the only reason you guys beat us."

Riley smirks, fixing the baseball cap on his blonde hair. "Or you all suck at every single game we play." Dani snarls and chucks the nearest pillow at his head. Riley easily catches it, which makes Danielle glare.

Nova steps in between them, a disgusted look on her face. "Okay, okay, we get it. Riles and I are still the reigning champions. Can we cut with the lustful gazes now?" Since making out on the porch eight months ago, Danielle and Riley have been in this weird semi-relationship. They weren't official or anything, but I have caught them kissing multiple times. Nova is super weirded out by it. One of her best friends and her other half practically dating? It's odd for all of us.

"Leave them alone, Noves." I scold her, shoving an empty pizza box in her hands. "Here, it's your turn to take out the trash." She grumbles all the way to the kitchen, continuing as she exits the house to throw the trash away.

Danielle smiles warmly at me, twirling a strand of her light brown hair shyly. "I wish you were coming with us. You're the only one besides Riley that can control her."

"Please." Riley scoffs. "No one can truly control my sister." The four of us chuckle in agreement.

"I wish I could go, Dani." I say to her. "But my parents have made up their mind and arguing does nothing." She sighs sadly. The whole thing with her and Riley has really put a strain on her friendship with Nova. With them being the only girls on the vacation, I hope they're able to talk and work things out. "Don't worry about, Nova. I'm sure she'll get over it and the two of you will have a really fun time in California."

Nova returns shortly after, taking the free seat in between Julian and Danielle. She picks up her glass of Sprite. "Here's to Line, may she find a hot guy and have the type of summer she can't tell her parents." I flip her off while the others whoo. "And here's to a fucking amazing time in California!" This time I join in on the cheering.

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