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"Alright, stitches are removed

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"Alright, stitches are removed. Let's test your hand motion." Dr. Cullen is nice. This shouldn't be much of a surprise to me, but it's true. He's also odd. The way he holds himself, how he speaks. It's very...not this century. Mother says he just has an old soul.

Dr. Cullen first asks me to wiggle my fingers. After many attempts all I can manage is a slight twitch in my ring finger.

I groan and stare at my hand frustratedly. "So, when do I begin physical therapy?" I know the other tests are pointless. How can I do anything when I can't even wiggle my fingers?

"Caroline, don't be too upset. The fact that your finger twitched is a good sign. It means the chances of regaining most, if not all, movement is very high." Father tells me.

Dr. Cullen nods in agreement. "Yes. With time and practice, your hand will grow stronger and will be functional again. You will begin physical therapy next week. There's a place down in La Push. Mrs. Clearwater. I will send her your information and she will contact you to schedule your first appointment. She'll treat you three times a week and we'll check your progress next month."

Father begins to chat with him, asking about some medical stuff I don't understand. When I glance out the room window, I find Riley standing in the hallway. I grin and make my way over to him.

"Did the great Riley Quinn come here just to see little old me?" I tease. Out of everyone in the group, Riley has the biggest heart. He hides it though because of his parents, who never seem to show any emotion besides disappointment.

Riley covers his blush with a scoff. "I'm only here because your dad called. He wanted to chat with Dr. Cullen and figured you'd prefer to not sit here and die of boredom."

I follow him out the hospital. It's small. Most patients get transferred to Port Angeles. Although, more staff have come in since Dr. Cullen began working here. He's really great. Dad enjoys talking about his accomplishments. Mom and I like to tease him about his man crush on him.

Riley takes us to the diner, where the rest of our friends are. We order multiple baskets of fries and each get a milkshake. One chocolate, three vanilla, and one strawberry. Exactly how we always get them.

"I don't understand how you guys like vanilla." I say to Nova, Dani, and Julian. "It's so bland."

Nova narrows her eyes, she's very defensive about the flavor. "Vanilla is classic. Chocolate is basic." She points a finger at my milkshake. "And strawberry is just disgusting."

Riley throws his hands up. "Whoa! What'd strawberry ever do to you?" Nova rolls her eyes at her twins' antics.

"You're so dramatic." I choke on my shake, Julian and Dani doing the same. "Shut up."


My first physical therapy appointment is Monday after school. Dad drops me off at Sue's and then goes to the Black household with Harry. Sue is nice and extremely patient. She smiles warmly and doesn't push me when I get frustrated. I don't make any progress, but I wasn't expecting to. It'll take time.

When the appointment is over, Sue makes dinner for me. I tried talking her out of it, but she was very persistent. Even more so when dad and Harry returned along with mom. Guess we're all eating here now.

Sue and Harry have two children. Leah and Seth. Leah is just a few years older than myself. She's very pretty, but she seems to just reek sadness and despair. It's very upsetting and I feel horrible for her. No one should have to feel that much pain.

Seth is a different story. He practically radiates sunshine from all his happiness. The first thing he did when we were introduced was hug me. His lips seem to be permanently stuck in a smile. It's intoxicating and slightly annoying for my not very optimistic self.

It's warm in the house, and I try to subtly fan myself. But Leah catches it and quirks a brow. "It's mid-August, why are you wearing a long sleeve?" Her parents send her a look while Seth elbows her side. "What?" She hisses. The wheels seem to turn in her head. "Oh, you're the new bear attack girl.

Harry shakes his head and massages his temples as Sue smiles at me apologetically. Normally a comment like that would anger me, but it's different coming from Leah, and I can't help but chuckle. "Didn't figure that out when I showed up?"

Leah smirks. "I like you. You're alright for a kid."

"You're not that much older." I point out. She's only like 22 or something like that. "But I guess you're alright for an old lady."

"Nevermind, I retract my friendship. Not happening."

I fake gasp, putting my hand over my heart. "Oh. no! How will I ever survive without you?" We break out into laughter, ignoring the odd stares we receive from the rest of the table.

The remainder of dinner is pretty much the same. Leah and I converse, Seth butting in every once in a while with a witty joke. It's so easy to be happy here. All your worries seem to disappear.

Before we return home, Leah and I make plans to hang out. And after a little whining from Seth, we agree to let him tag along. It's tough saying no to him, especially when he pouts. He has one of the best puppy face I have ever seen, besides Jules.

My parents and I say goodnight to the Clearwaters and begin the drive home. A wolf howls in the distance, and somehow, I know it's Paul. I sigh and rest my head against the window.

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now