Twenty Seven

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The seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks

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The seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks. Every single moment is spent in my bedroom. The door stays closed and I don't let anyone in but my parents, and that's only sometimes.

Most days I find myself staring at my reflection. I don't even recognize myself with my sunken cheeks, matter hair that's lost its shine, and eyes that were once a brilliant gold but are now a stormy grey.

Dad says it's because of what I am. He was actually the one to figure it out after two and a half weeks of me screaming myself awake. His grandmother used to tell him stories of a woman with powers like mine. Banshee is what she called her.

Cyhiraeth. The original banshee. She wasn't born with power. She was like me, an imprint. Her soulmate was murdered in front of her by a vampire. Cyhiraeth was angry. She prayed to the ancestors to grant her the power to destroy the creature that took her love from her. The ancestors gifted her with a scream powerful enough to break anything in its path.

Cyhiraeth got her revenge on the vampire, and then took her own life, for she did not want to spend another moment without her love.

Every banshee has been an imprint, but not every imprint is a banshee. Very few women possess the power, I'm not sure why. And the power only appears when the woman is harmed by a cold one.

That's why I didn't realize I was a banshee until I got bit. I thought I was some vampire/human hybrid freak with a sonic scream, but this seems to be worse.

Since Julian died, my ability has been out of control. It seems every noise I make breaks something. And I've developed another power, one I can't tell if I hate or love.

"Are you going to answer that?"

My head snaps towards my phone, which I now realize has been ringing. Dani's name flashes on the screen.

"She's just letting me know she's outside." Today is the day of Edward and Isabella's wedding. I don't want to go. The last thing I want to do is be near them, but Dani is making me attend. And, well, I'd rather listen to her then have her yell at me.

I grab my phone and shove it into my purse before exiting my room. Mom shoots me a bright smile as I open the front door and leave.

Dani grins when I buckle my seatbelt before driving off. "I haven't been to their house since graduation, but I don't really remember what it looks like." Riley states from the passenger seat.

"That's cause you were drunk." Nova tells her twin, turning to me and rolling her eyes.

"Riley drunk? Never." My lips form a small smile and I focus my eyes out the window.

We arrive after a few minutes, Dani parking next to Jessica Stanley. The brunette offers a small smile before making her way to the backyard. I haven't seen her since the funeral.

"It's not your fault. She doesn't need to know the truth. None of them do."

"I know, it's better this way. But I still feel awful."

The four of us walk to the backyard, gazing at all the beautiful decorations. There's many people already seated, most of them vampires. Seth Clearwater sits with his mother and Billy Black in the back row away from the cold ones.

"So, do you think she'll be showing?" Jessica questions as we sit in the row behind them.

Riley furrows his brows. Angela notices this and answers her friend. "She's not pregnant, Jess."

"Please." Jessica scoffs. "Why else would someone get married at eighteen?"

No one has the chance to answer her, for music suddenly sounds and everyone still standing hurries to their seats.

Isabella makes her way down the aisle clutching her dad's arm. In all honesty, she looks uncomfortable as she stares at her future husband.

The ceremony is short, the newly weds finishing it off with a long kiss. As I follow my friends to a table, Alice catches my eye. Before she can head my direction, I quickly sit down and start a conversation with Mike, who try his best not to look upset by the wedding. It's been over a year and he's still crushing on Isabella, a girl who will never go for him.

After many rounds of dancing and a glass of champagne secretly handed to me by Billy, Seth appears by my side with a concerned look in his eyes. "Jacobs here." He mutters in my ear. "I don't think it's going well."

We come up with an excuse to leave my friends and hurriedly make our way to the other side of the house. Jacob's shouts are what help us find them. Seth sneaks up behind the older boy and pins his arms behind him. "Jake, calm down."

Jacob glares hotly at Edward, who holds Isabella behind him. "Are you out of your mind? You'll kill her!" Seth struggles to keep Jacob in his hold.

"Jacob!" The boy turns to me. I can see the rage in his eyes, feel it burning my skin. "Stop. You don't want to start something." Not when there's plenty of vampires back at the house.

"Enough, Jacob!" We all fix our eyes behind where Jacob is standing. Sam and the rest of the pack emerge from the trees.

Jacob narrows his eyes at the alpha. "Stay out of this, Sam." Low growls come from multiple wolves, all directed at Jacob for disrespecting his alpha.

"You're not gonna start something we'll have to finish."

"She'll die!"

Sam spares a quick glance at Isabella. "She's not our concern anymore." His tone leaves no room for arguing. Jacob shrugs Seth off and storms pass the pack, knocking shoulders with Sam. "Let's go." Sam directs this at Seth and I, and the young boy immediately follows after his alpha. Paul stays behind, waiting for me to reach him.

"Caroline!" Isabella's voice stops me from leaving. "I'm sorry about your friend. I never told you."

My stare is fierce and she sinks under it. "His name was Julian. And he's dead because of you." Without waiting for a response, I hurry to Paul, grabbing his hand and walking away.

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now