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The sound of my phone blaring wakes me up

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The sound of my phone blaring wakes me up. My surroundings are unfamiliar, not the ones I've grown used waking up to at the beach house. What happened last night? I remember the party. Me, Dani, and Nova dancing. Someone had handed us drinks. The lights, the smoke, the music. They all blend together.

"Are you gonna turn that off?" A voice groans. Slowly turning my head, my eyes land on a male figure laying next to me. Jules. He pulls the cover over his head and snuggles into his pillow.

I reach for my phone, turning my alarm off. When I see the time, I do a double take. "Shit." It's nearly 11 and our flight home leaves at 1:20. With getting ready and the forty minutes drive it takes to get to the airport, we're barely gonna make it.

Jules all but sprints for the bathroom when I tell him this, packing his shower things while I wake the others. And in just thirty three minutes, Nolan is speeding out the driveway. By the time we get through security, there's only seven minutes before our plane leaves.

The stewardess sends us a dirty look as we come sprinting to the gate. She rolls her eyes, scans our tickets, and shoos us onto the plane.


The last person I'm expecting to greet me when I arrive home is Paul Lahote, but there he is standing by my mailbox. Nova whistles and practically shoves me and my bags out the car before leaving to drop Dani off.

"Do you just like to show up here unannounced?" I question after a few excruciating awkward moments.

Paul chuckles deeply and crosses his arms. How is he so buff? "I heard you went to California...your parents told me. How was it?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, adjusting my duffel bag on my shoulder. "Is this what you do?" He raises a brow, but I know he knows what I'm talking about. "Kiss someone, avoid them, and then show up at their house randomly?" I elaborate.

"You avoided me also." He points out. He opens and closes his mouth for a few minutes. Finally, he lets out a frustrated groan. "I'm sorry." He spits the apology out. "I didn't mean for that to happen...the kiss I mean. Well, I wasn't really planning on ignoring you, it just sorta happened. Everything just happened and I didn't know how to handle it, so I kissed you, and"

I cut off his rambling. "Look, Paul. Hanging out with you was amazing, and then you kissed me. And then I left and all I could think about was you and how much you confuse me and I like you, but"

I'm unable to finish because Paul steps closer until he's so close I can feel his breath fan across my face. "I like you, Caroline. If this time without you has showed me anything it's that I want you." My heart flutters at his confession. I want him, too. "But there's so much you don't know." He sets his forehead on mine, breathing in deeply.

"Tell me." I plead. Don't say it, please don't say it.

My heart sinks to my stomach when he pulls away. "I don't want to hurt you."

A fancy car pulls into the driveway next door, an inhumanly looking boy stepping out. Edward Cullen. He comes over every single day to see Isabella Swan, the girl next door. Paul snaps his head to the boy. His jaw tightens and he begins to shake.

"Are you okay?" I place a comforting hand on his arm. His body is hot to the touch. It typically is, but it's as if his anger has caused it to raise.

Paul relaxes slightly at my touch, but continues to stare Edward down. "We need to go." He grabs my hand and pulls me to his truck. I question him when he takes my bag off my shoulder and puts it in the bed, but he doesn't answer. It's not until we pass my dad's store that he pulls to the side of the road.

"What was that about?" I quietly ask him. He mutters under his breath. Something about not knowing I lived so close and how it wasn't safe. To what? I don't know. "Do you know Edward? Did you guys get in a fight or something?"

He tenses at the name and clenches his fists on the steering wheel. "He's not safe. They're not safe." He growls. I gasp when he turns his head to look at me. His face and neck are red, his eyes dark. His entire body shakes with rage. Steam literally rolls off his arms.

"Paul?" My voice cracks. He looks unreal. He looks terrifying.

He cries out and grips the steering wheel until it cracks from his strength. All I can do is watch in fear as his body twists painfully, bones cracking. Something slices my arm and I hold it against my chest, backing into the door as I gape at the thing before me.

Where Paul once sat, a dark silver wolf now stands. A scream tears through my throat and I throw the door open, collapsing onto the rough road. The wolf whimpers and jumps out after me. Its eyes bore into mine before landing on my arm. It howls before dashing into the forest behind me.

Footsteps pound onto the road, a hand gently grabs my chin. I stare into the eyes of my father. He must have heard me scream from the store. His lips move, but I don't hear what he says. All I can hear is someone screaming and the sound of clothes tearing and bones snapping.

Dad moves my hand away from my arm. The pain comes to me suddenly. Three long scratches dote my arm, running from just above the inside of my elbow to midway down my palm. I cry at the sight of my blood oozing down my arm.

My stomach churns. My head hurts. My vision grows blurry as tears stream down my cheeks. How did this happen? How did the day end like this?

The last thing I see before I black out is the lights from the ambulance and my father's face as he cradles me into his arms.

Was not planning on this chapter going like this but once I started writing I couldn't stop and this is the outcome. Hope y'all liked it

And also hope y'all are safe during this hell crazy time

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